Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Search results

  1. JWeb

    Have You tried earning by testing softwares?

    You're welcome! It's been a while, so I don't know what things are like now, but hopefully it works out for you. Good luck!
  2. JWeb

    Have You tried earning by testing softwares?

    It depends on the tests. This is what I did for a website (from what I remember): There was a list of instructions. It asked me to navigate around it and to write out what I saw. It also asked me to perform some actions (like click some buttons, fill out a form) and write out what I saw in...
  3. JWeb

    Have You tried earning by testing softwares?

    Another site I've come across but haven't used is uTest. The main reason I left was because there weren't many tests that I was interested in. They vary in time and complexity. I was interested in those that were not too short (so I could earn more) and not too long (since I didn't have that...
  4. JWeb

    Have you made money through Affiliate Marlketing?

    I tried Affiliate Marketing (one of the sites I used was ClickBank) on a previously managed site. It's easy to get into but hard to succeed. It takes time and patience. I had some success focusing on products that had to do with the site (tech accessories) and not overloading it with too many...
  5. JWeb

    Have You tried earning by testing softwares?

    It's been a while, but I was part of a site (TestBirds) which was a crowd testing platform that would send you invitations to test out some projects. You would complete a test, submit it, and then get paid for it. I'm not sure how it's like now, but before there would be quite a bit before the...
  6. JWeb

    Gaming What is a MMORPG video game?

    MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game such as Runescape. A key difference between MMORPGs and regular RPGs includes the online aspect. RPGs don't need to have an online aspect and are meant as an individual adventure. MMORPGs revolve around having many players, usually...
  7. JWeb

    Do you like to Write Articles to earn online?

    I haven't tried it yet, but Medium is a site where you get paid for reading time. It's been referred to as YouTube but for writing. The more people that read your articles, the more you earn. Listverse is another site where you come up with a list, such as "10 ways to make money by writing...
  8. JWeb

    Importance of cross-platform compatibility in website development

    I feel like you need to have a responsive design nowadays. In one way, developing websites has become easier compared to creating them earlier on. But now there's so many devices to account for. Luckily there's tools that can help with that to make it easier to manage.
  9. JWeb

    What is HTML?

    There's a lot of great resources out there for learning HTML. Some of my favorites include W3Schools and MDN. Also, for anyone interested, using online editors can be a terrific way to get started if you don't want to set up anything locally yet. One I like to use is CodePen.
  10. JWeb

    What is your favorite way to create blogs?

    I'm currently using a self-managed WordPress installation for my blog. I enjoy the freedom I have customizing various aspects of it and the support that is out there for it. I've tried out other platforms such as Ghost, but I found it easier to get what I wanted out of WordPress. I haven't...
  11. JWeb

    Artificial Intelligence

    It's been fascinating seeing how quickly AI has exploded in the last few years. I've used it mainly because I was curious but there are a few times where I used it to help with formatting some text, coming up some quick graphics and generating some ideas for projects. It seems like AI will be...
  12. JWeb

    Making money by selling photos

    I know a couple of popular options are Shutterstock and Depositphotos. You can also try a print-on-demand service like Redbubble where you can upload your work and have that printed on various products. Generative AI has definitely taken a bite out of this market though.
  13. JWeb

    Are there An Earning Website or option that you don't like to try?

    The first thing that popped into mind were surveys and that seems like the main opinion here. I tried doing surveys briefly but a lot of the time I was not in the right demographic for it. It was frustrating to spend time going through the first bit of a survey only to find out I didn't qualify.
  14. JWeb


    Hey @Shortie! Thanks for the welcome!
  15. JWeb

    How did you find us?

    Oh, I'm not trying to win. That would be a huge undertaking at this point 😓 But good luck to those actively in the race!
  16. JWeb

    Are You Good at Micro task websites?

    It was a while back and I don't even remember the name of the site anymore, but I did some tasks and the earning wasn't bad. The only issue was that there were a limited number of tasks, so some days you could do a lot of work and others it only be a little bit.
  17. JWeb

    Have You Ever Tried Using A VPN?

    I'll use them if I'm out and need to access the public Wi-Fi. Some sites I've been on require the use of VPN if you're not on the local network.
  18. JWeb


    Thanks for the welcome! There's always learning to be done. It's become very apparent since I started my blog. There is a lot of content here to go through so I'm sure I'll pick up some things (y)
  19. JWeb

    How did you find us?

    Yeah, I went over it since it was the first thing that popped up when I registered. Almost finished now! And thank you for the welcome :).
  20. JWeb


    Hey @Cpvr ! Thank you for the welcome, glad to be here.