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Have You Ever Tried Using A VPN?



Mar 23, 2024
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I have tried it once or twice when I was unable to access a website and I used to see messages that this website is blocked for my location. Also I think we can get better connectivity if we use the right VPN.

Have You Ever Tried Using A VPN?
I have used VPN to access several sites before in the past. There are some task I have done before that also requires the use of VPN as well.
Yes off course and there are vpns that are free to used and there are one's you need to subscribe monthly I have been using both for a long time and some tasks to make money online you need them as well
No, I don’t use a VPN. I use my regular 5g internet from my cell company or I use my wifi service.
In the truth of the matter l have on one time in my online life had the needy to use the American VPN as l was using it to work on some earning websites that my geographically location was illegible.
I have used a VPN severally. I have used VPNs that come with the phone. I have also used the ones that comes with some browsers. I have even used third party VPNs from playstore. I use VPN currently to access sites that our government has banned us from accessing. Example ls crypto sites.
I haven't felt any need to access VPN because there is nothing that I am unable to access at the moment so I will use it if I need it otherwise no need.
I'll use them if I'm out and need to access the public Wi-Fi.

Some sites I've been on require the use of VPN if you're not on the local network.
I haven't felt any need to access VPN because there is nothing that I am unable to access at the moment so I will use it if I need it otherwise no need.
Exactly the same applies to me for sure
Some of my friends also use VPN to get better internet speed but I haven't used it for that purpose
Exactly the same applies to me for sure
I also don't face any problem with the Internet speed so I don't have to excuse myself for the use of VPN because of low internet speed.
No, I have never felt the need to use it. Also, I don't know what is VPN. Can you explain in detail what is it?
VPN is like a Internet Protocol that allows you to access any website and you can hide your exact location from the website thereby allowing you to access even banned websites