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  1. Angela

    Ronaldo vs Messi

    Did you see what he did after Inter Miami won the tournament? He has displayed such activities of benevolence multiple times. He is a good guy. Unlike Ronaldo Messi have never thrown away his boots after manager took him off the field
  2. Angela

    Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Sports

    I like outdoor activities and adventure activities. However it costs a lot of money for outdoor activities and adventure sports. Therefore I cannot have it more even though I want to. I like going on trekking, hiking, cycling, swimming etc.
  3. Angela

    Do you jog?

    I do not jog on a regular basis, I mean I don't jog every day, I do not have a schedule for jogging. However, sometimes I jog and when I jog, I normally jog for 60 minutes. I like jogging in the morning..I have been trying to increase my jogging frequency
  4. Angela

    Is e-sports a sport?

    When chess is included in sports, esports can also be included in sports. I do not see why esports cannot be included in sports. I think in some sports tournaments that have already included esports as one of the event category. But I don't play esports.
  5. Angela


    In my teens I enjoyed tennis, I used to watch various tournaments frequently, however , I have never played tennis..I have not watched tennis for a long time but I do still have fascination with tennis, that's why I still take interest in who wins the tournaments
  6. Angela

    Can you manage stress with physical activities?

    I read somewhere that when you do physical activities your brain will release pleasure triggering hormone. Therefore after exercise you feel very relaxed. If you feel relaxed after physical exercise, you can do exercise when you are stressed out and try to combat stress naturally
  7. Angela

    Do you enjoy playing badminton?

    When I was in my teens I liked playing badminton. I usually played my neighbourhood friends. These days I no longer play badminton and I have not played badminton for a long time. Maybe I would take time to play badminton one of these days and freshen up my memory.
  8. Angela


    When I was in school, I sometimes used to play basketball. I never played in a team or for a tournaments I just played informally. I was not very good at it. Until I was working in an office I frequently played basketball with my coworkers. But these days I work from home and I no longer play...
  9. Angela


    I have never played cricket, I was never interested in playing cricket. However, I enjoy watching cricket..I like watching all formats of cricket but I mostly watch T20 matches because it does not take a long time for T20 cricket. I mostly watch cricket matches from home.
  10. Angela

    Do you go to the gym?

    I don't go to a gym. I do not do work out. However for fitness and health I do other activities like jogging, cycling, swimming etc. I find it funny how people drive cars to go to gym and then use electric machine to sweat out when you can easily sweat out by jogging and running.
  11. Angela


    When I was a kid, I liked going to the nearby stream and pond to fish. Well, I did not fish but watched my cousins and brother fish through fishing net. These days I do6watch such kind if activity because I think it is animal cruelty. I cannot watch animal die
  12. Angela

    T20 World Cup started.

    I don't watch a lot of cricket but I do watch cricket. Even thought I enjoy all formats of cricket, I watch limited over match more because they are completed in comparatively shorter time. Test takes 5 days, ODI takes 1 day but T20 takes just 4-5 hours.
  13. Angela

    How many countries have you traveled to?

    I have not traveled to a lot if countries, I have only traveled to a few neighbouring countries. I do not earn a lot if money to be able to afford to travel to other countries. I have not even visited a lot of attractive places in my home country.
  14. Angela

    How many hours do you spend posting on forums?

    I am active in a couple of forums, most of them are paid to post forums. I go to forums only when I have no work to do and I am free. However, when I have time I normally spend 1-2 hours in forums every day. I make about 30-40 posts on various forums
  15. Angela

    Ronaldo vs Messi

    I like Messi, he is not only very good on the field but also off field. Ronaldo is no doubt a good player but he shows frustration when fails to perform well. He also appear arrogant, compared to Messi. I have Messi more than Ronaldo, so my heart goes out ot Messi
  16. Angela

    May Madness: Forum Fiesta Posting Contest Winners.

    Congratulations to all, you have worked rally hard to be on the top spot. You deserve
  17. Angela

    May Madness: Forum Fiesta Referral Contest Winners!

    Congratulations to all, including me. :D
  18. Angela

    What's the retirement age in your country?

    In our country, the retirement age is 60. However, this applies only for government jobs. In the private sector you can work as long as you want or as long as your company want you to work. In private sector, you can see a lot of old people working, especially in the higher position.
  19. Angela

    Are there poisonous snakes in your area?

    Cobra and Krait are poisonous snakes. These snakes are common in my place. There has been a lot of incidents when these reptiles entered out house and we had to call snake rescuers. Sometimes.we even had to call someone to kill these snakes where we could not find any rescuers immediately.
  20. Angela

    Have you ever worked in a restaurant?

    No, I have never worked in a restaurant, however, I once had relatives and also friends who owned a restaurant and I frequently visited these restaurants. I was never fascinated in restaurants jobs like working as a waiter, chef or helper. I find these jobs tedious and also very boring.