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What's the retirement age in your country?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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In my country, people can retire if they have reached the age of 60 and have at least 35 years of experience, but such people still continue to work because pensions are very meager, but in this case they receive both a pension and a salary
My dad retired at 58 because he had served for 30 years before he turned 60. He currently lives on pension of $300 which is enough for him because he is not taking care of any child any longer.
The retirement age in my country is 60 years for every other worker and 70 years for university dons. But do they people retire? They do age declaration to falsify their ages to stay in service all because they are scared of how they would survive financially after retirement.
Over here in my country, the retirement age for my country is 65 years.
In my country, the standard retirement age for receiving full Social Security benefits is currently 60 years. It gradually increases to 67 for people born in 1960 or later.
The retirement age in my country was 60 years before, but some years ago it was increased to 65 years. The government probably thought that that 5 years I'd not demanding too much from the workers. Of course, the retirement pension was increased a bit.
I left 'my country' at the age of 8, so I don't know the age. But the age in my current country of residence is either 66 or 67, depending which side of 1960 you were born.
Retirement age in the United States is 62 but you don't get full social security until you are 65. My mom retired at 62 because she said she was done with working. And she is super happy that she retired early.
Retirement age is 58 years in India and I feel it's too early. It's hard to survive after the retirement here because we don't have a pension scheme and even after the retirement people have to work to earn money.
In our country, the retirement age is 60. However, this applies only for government jobs. In the private sector you can work as long as you want or as long as your company want you to work. In private sector, you can see a lot of old people working, especially in the higher position.
It depends on what career you're partaking in. My mother is way older than 60 but she still hasn't retired, and is more energetic than ever.
In the private sector, the retirement age is also the also the same, but there are organizations like ours that extend this time for two years or more (depending on the health of an employee), but they don't keep that employee on the company's roll, and many of the benefits that a person was getting don't get when he or she is on extension.
It's 58 years but I have seen people working even after that as they don't have enough money to have a comfortable life even after retirement from work
It's 58 years but I have seen people working even after that as they don't have enough money to have a comfortable life even after retirement from work

But once you pass retirement age, finding work becomes more difficult. Even in the event that you find a job, the pay is low. Most of the security guards employed by banks and government institutions are now elderly or retired.