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How many hours do you spend posting on forums?



Oct 30, 2023
Reaction score
I am active on 8 forums on daily basis, and even more on a weekly and monthly basis. When I say weekly or monthly basis I mean posting at least once a week or once a month. I use 8 forums every day, some of these forums are mine, I am staff on some of these forums, I am hired as a paid posters on some forums and on some forums I post on voluntary basis. I have not calculated but I think I spend more than 4 hours on forums
I also have never calculated the time but I think I spend at least 2-3 hours a day on the forums which is high when I compare earnings from the forums.
I am active in a couple of forums, most of them are paid to post forums. I go to forums only when I have no work to do and I am free. However, when I have time I normally spend 1-2 hours in forums every day. I make about 30-40 posts on various forums
On a working day, I would spend anything between one to two hours but not more than 30 minutes at a stretch. When it's weekend or vacation time, I get some extra time to be online. I might end up spending 4_5 hours in a day if it is possible.
I don't really keep track of how much time I spend posting on forums. But they occupy a sizable part of my day, so I guess it is more than average.
People who mostly are dependent on online earnings spend most of their time on the forums or the other sites whereas the people having offline job get little time to be online.
I am now active these days on 2 forums though I am a member on more. I spend about an hour on my #1 forum, and perhaps spend a total of 30 minutes on here throughout the day.

P.S. I never post on here to get paid but I do post sometimes to get on the front page on the "Top Five Posters" list.
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I don't really keep track of how much time I spend posting on forums. But they occupy a sizable part of my day, so I guess it is more than average.
You must be spending a good time online and here. I can see that you have the top poster of Month there with your name. If I had more luxury of time, I would love to spend more time online.
I never think about it but not that often. If I can find nothing of interest, I move on to something else.
I do not have a specific hour I spend when it comes to working on forums. It mainly depends on my schedule for that day, then I make use of any amount of time I can.
I have few forums on my list . But I can't visit all of them in one day. There are days when I go totally missing from the online space. My offline obligations are my priorities and then comes my online earnings as side hustles. My schedule and commitment for the day is what decides about my time spent online.
I also get little time to spend time on all the forums, but I still try to post a few comments on, like I don't miss RIF and Dbucks and always post to reach the maximum limit of the day, and then post here and on forumrace. I don't get time to spend on mylot these days.
I would say that I spend 6 - 8 hours a day posting on forums, sometimes longer if I don't mind spending a little more time posting on forums during that day.
I also get little time to spend time on all the forums, but I still try to post a few comments on, like I don't miss RIF and Dbucks and always post to reach the maximum limit of the day, and then post here and on forumrace. I don't get time to spend on mylot these days.
There was a time I used to always reach the limit for the day, but right now due to my busy schedule, I hardly have enough time to be on the forum.
I also get little time to spend time on all the forums, but I still try to post a few comments on, like I don't miss RIF and Dbucks and always post to reach the maximum limit of the day, and then post here and on forumrace. I don't get time to spend on mylot these days.
I have limited the number of forums I post on now because of my offline engagements. I can only afford to spend very few hours online, which DH takes priority.
@Sanjeev . You are doing great there. I guess that you might be spending more than two hours in a day in total to do all that you have mentioned. That's actually good considering that you have a full time job. myLot has many active users going missing these days. The activities level has come down.
Hmm...I have a target to earn $30–40 in a month from the forums, which presently I am not able to do. I want a few more good sites to reach it.
Hmm...I have a target to earn $30–40 in a month from the forums, which presently I am not able to do. I want a few more good sites to reach it.
How many forums are you working on besides this one?
I work on forumrace, discussion hub, RIF, DB and searching for other forums where I may be able to earn at least $10 a month.
I work on forumrace, discussion hub, RIF, DB and searching for other forums where I may be able to earn at least $10 a month.
You mean ten dollar a month from a single forum or all forums joined together. I have heard about forumrace before but I have never really tried it. Is it a paid to post site?