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Do you wish to settle in rural place?

Not everyone like living on the mountains specially those who have lived there. May of my colleagues have their native place on the hilly area and they don't get excited like us to go to the mountains. For them it is a normal place.
Those who have lived there are definitely used to it. They probably won't mind a change of scenery when the opportunity comes.
I never lived permanently in a village but would like to live there because of the fresh air and greenary in the villages.
I never lived permanently in a village but would like to live there because of the fresh air and greenary in the villages.
You also have to be ready to forgo some amenities and infrastructures that you can only assess in the city.
No not really, I think it would be nice but am not feeling it.
You also have to be ready to forgo some amenities and infrastructures that you can only assess in the city.

I won't mind even if I don't find it there in a rural area. Only thing I want peace of mind , and time to spend on myself and my family. I don't like the fast life of a city
Its only possible to settle in a rural area if you have enough money so even in this thing money is important
Its only possible to settle in a rural area if you have enough money so even in this thing money is important

Money is important for anything. You cannot survive without it, wherever you live. I will have a rental income and will search for other sources of income if I plan to live in a rural area. I have planned for it.
That's why I said money is still required to settle at a rural place or even for a weekly trip to have a comfortable life
For settling anywhere money is required. We need to have a source of earnings even when we settle in a rural area and I am planning to do farming there when I will get settled there.
Maybe one day I might consider this but right now I am still going to choose the city cause I have so much to do in the city.
No , I never like to live in a rural area. There are no fast food chains there. It is also far from the church. I dislike a very silent place .
Who does not like to stay near the nature and have a comfortable life and also away from hustles and bustles of city life and traffic and pollution
Even if I live in the city, I can always see the beauty of nature like the blue skies, the wide oceans near home, and the beaches. There are also trees that surround the city and see the birds flying and hear them chirping. That alone makes me happy and feel I am with nature.
I wouldn't like to stay in a rural area. Not that I hate it but I might lose my job or might not get into a good school for my children.

I want to still stay in the urban area till my children grow up and that's when I can retire to a rural area for my resting period.
I wouldn't like to stay in a rural area. Not that I hate it but I might lose my job or might not get into a good school for my children.

I want to still stay in the urban area till my children grow up and that's when I can retire to a rural area for my resting period.
Yes that's the major issue why a lot of persons still prefer staying in urban places rather then rural places.
I really wish to have such a life and I think if I can earn some big money then I can make it possible
Living in a rural area this time is not safe considering the situations that we have this time. In the rural areas far from the city, there is always a robbery case and the police are too far away for a rescue.
I wouldn't like to stay in a rural area. Not that I hate it but I might lose my job or might not get into a good school for my children.

I want to still stay in the urban area till my children grow up and that's when I can retire to a rural area for my resting period.
That's a valid point but over here you can find good schools at a distance of few miles and can even drop children there
Most rural places are seriously developing though, am pretty sure in a few years time it might even become a lot busier.
Most rural places are seriously developing though, am pretty sure in a few years time it might even become a lot busier.

It may happen in the future if the population starts increasing at the same rate. The villages too will be converted in cities with lots of buildings and vehicles. We need to control population to get rid of such situation.

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