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Do you wish to settle in rural place?

It may happen in the future if the population starts increasing at the same rate. The villages too will be converted in cities with lots of buildings and vehicles. We need to control population to get rid of such situation.
Yes especially now that so many people are going to rural places to build houses for themselves and all that.
Still, there are people who don't like to go to villages because there are fewer facilities there, and there are people who leave villages to settle in cities. There are all sorts of people in this world. But the percentage of people migrating from the village is higher than the others.
Yes that's true, but I believe it's only a matter of time. Once development spreads, am sure more persons might want to go to the village.
I think it will take years for it because the development rate in the villages is too less as compared to the cities.
Yes that's true, but some have already started moving with various developments as well.
It's my hopes godwilingly when l get to my retirement age.
It is good to reside in a rural area f it is peaceful and near the road, church and public market. It is true safe from pollution but here is deafening silence in a rural area.
I would love to stay in a rural area or at least have a farmhouse in such a setting and have some fun and a tension free life at least after my retirement
That's a valid point but over here you can find good schools at a distance of few miles and can even drop children there
I am not over there yet. I know where I am coming from and I have seen the urban and rural areas. It's not that there won't be any school at the rural area but I want a good one for my kids.

Yes that's the major issue why a lot of persons still prefer staying in urban places rather then rural places.
I have always wanted a good solid education for my kids and I don't know if I can get it in a rural area. I know things are changing fast and I am hoping that before my kids start coming, there will be lots of good schools that I can send them in a rural area.
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@Sara but now a days things are changing and developing in the rural areas. Here, in my village schools are good and they have good facilities there.
I have villages nearby just 6-7 kms from my home so if I have money then I can easily relocate to a rural area and have some fun
@Sara but now a days things are changing and developing in the rural areas. Here, in my village schools are good and they have good facilities there.
Things are also changing over here. I will only look well before I can put my kids in those schools. You know there are some schools that are beautiful outside but have nothing inside.
We need to think about everything, our family, kids and also the things that we consume if these are available easily or not so it should be a collective decision
It's my hopes godwilingly when l get to my retirement age.
I also think it would be an awesome idea to live in an rural environment after retirement. The most important thing for me is that it would be my personal house. I don't think I would want to live in a rented apartment in a rural place.
I will definitely do it, but not now. I have children and in my opinion they should get used to such a fast pace of life because they will work in this place. And I don't have much left to work before I retire
Yes I wish to settle in a rural community because they were living peacefully and everything was easier than than urban community I wish I could live at rural community at times
One thing that I have come to know is that everywhere would develop eventually. That's why I don't mind settling in a rural area now, provided there is power supply there and a stable internet.
Yes I wished to settled in a rural place as long as there was an internet network because I am also tired of population density and many other thing's
I also think it would be an awesome idea to live in an rural environment after retirement. The most important thing for me is that it would be my personal house. I don't think I would want to live in a rented apartment in a rural place.

Also, the things there are cheaper than what we get in the cities. I always enjoy my visits to the village. I always buy fruits and vegetables from there, as they are pure and cheaper. I know it's not easy to settle there when you have spent all your life in the city.
Also, the things there are cheaper than what we get in the cities. I always enjoy my visits to the village. I always buy fruits and vegetables from there, as they are pure and cheaper. I know it's not easy to settle there when you have spent all your life in the city.
Yes thing would be cheaper and a lot more peaceful, there would be no morning rush and all that, the air is also free from pollution.