Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. A

    Debate Adoration of Royalty

    In all fairness, it is not their fault they were born royals. They just happened to be fortunate to land onto luxury.
  2. A

    Do you buy things on impulse?

    No I don't buy things on impulse. I tend to think very well and make sure what I'm about to buy is necessary.
  3. A

    If you become rich today, who's the first person you are going to surprise with a gift?

    My mom no doubt, she was my best friend and my sole confidant. She deserves all the rewards I can give her.
  4. A

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    I watched the lift featuring kelvin hart. I have checked out the reviews and I wasn't sure I will like it, but my boyfriend wanted us to go watch it together.
  5. A

    Is it bad to make mistakes?

    I do make mistakes. But I move on, after learning from it
  6. A

    Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

    Yes, when I was very young. I was told the story though, can't remember exactly how it happened.
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    Have you ever been a victim of online scam?

    Oh this brings back old memories of when I got scammed on a cryptocurrency site. I was promised huge return of investment and it looked tempting. I invested and boom! The site crashed and my money vanished
  8. A

    Movies Super hero movies

    I grew up watching different levels of spiderman, featuring Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland. I'd say it is still going strong.
  9. A

    New here

    I joined this forum newly and I wish to be a part of this community. I'm Akindeb, a freelancer.
  10. A

    How many hours do you spend posting on forums?

    I can't say for now because I'm still new to posting forums, I will try to keep posting here.
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    Ways To Live Your Best Life

    I try to enjoy life as it comes. I'm not someone who is too frugal with spending, I enjoy life whenever I can.
  12. A

    Have you ever used the services of a lawyer?

    Of course I used the service of a lawyer when I want to secure a piece of land sometime last year. I might need the service again when I want to acquire another property.