I also used to play badminton and its also a great way to stay relax and have some fun with your friends or family
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I also used to play badminton and its also a great way to stay relax and have some fun with your friends or family
Here I am just talking about playing for fun LOL with family and not where we try to beat our opponent with our smashes
There are so many changes that had developed ever since. All in all it has remained to be so nice to me.Think of another sport that you can manage . Football is only good for those who started at a young age. They undergone rigid trainings.
That's good to hear from you. Someday when your kids like this sport, you support them. They will do well if it is the sport of their dreams if not ask them what they like. Train them encourage them to become an athlete up to the highest level of events, the Olympics. Many became millionaires because of Olympics.There are so many changes that had developed ever since. All in all it has remained to be so nice to me.
I love cricket so much and also like to follow hockey, tennis and football
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