Discussion Hub

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What's your favorite sport?

Baseball looks similar to cricket but in reality it's not. You cannot land ball in baseball whereas in cricket it's considered as no ball. If compare both then I will always go for the cricket
Baseball looks similar to cricket but in reality it's not. You cannot land ball in baseball whereas in cricket it's considered as no ball. If compare both then I will always go for the cricket

Yes, it is different than cricket but in someway it is similar because in both the games bat and ball are used and run is taken when a batsman hit a ball. Yes rules are different in both the games as you mentioned above.
I am following cricket from many years and haven't followed any sports like that so it will be my first choice always and no sports can be at par with it
My favorite sport was football and I think it's has the most fans in the world
My favorite sport is basketball it's make me feel happy and excited when I am playing it especially during holidays I used to participate on it with me friends and neighbors
I am a chronic football fan. I have been following football for over 20 years now. There is no weekend for the past 15 years that I don't spend at least 3 hours watching one football match or the other.
I have many sports but the best one for me is swimming. I learned to swim at a young age of 7. My dad hired a swimming coach. At first I was scared and cried a lot. Just imagine the age of 7 it's still a baby. I was thankful though.
I follow a few other sports but my love for cricket is difficult to describe and I love this game since my childhood
I like e-sports the most, but I know that many people do not consider it a sport, so I will write football. I have played a lot of football since childhood, so I am still interested, but I am not such an active player anymore
I have started to follow even Hockey too and don't mind following lawn tennis, volleyball and even Badminton but cricket is my all time favorite
I have started to follow even Hockey too and don't mind following lawn tennis, volleyball and even Badminton but cricket is my all time favorite
My main sport is swimming. I won in many competitions. After I started working, I no longer join a swimming competition. It requires daily practice for about 5 hours. Only my teammates joined. I only swim in the sea weekends.
My main sport is swimming. I won in many competitions. After I started working, I no longer join a swimming competition. It requires daily practice for about 5 hours. Only my teammates joined. I only swim in the sea weekends.
Wow you should have participated in the Olympic games and should have won 1-2 Golds for Philippines LOL
Wow you should have participated in the Olympic games and should have won 1-2 Golds for Philippines LOL
I was told before and joined the selection by region but I failed or missed 7 seconds to qualify. After that I never joined despite the explanation by the sponsors. I hate failure. I felt defeated and I told myself not to pot myself to shame again.
I was told before and joined the selection by region but I failed or missed 7 seconds to qualify. After that I never joined despite the explanation by the sponsors. I hate failure. I felt defeated and I told myself not to pot myself to shame again.
I think you should have tried again as it would have been great for you and you would have been world-famous for your swimming
I think you should have tried again as it would have been great for you and you would have been world-famous for your swimming
No, it is my principle once I say No, it remains that way. Even my co swimmers who also joined that elimination didn't continue. They also felt discouraged. I told them not to follow my decision but I cannot convince them too. Their decision was strong and was inscribed on the rock.
I know and it's fine as long as it's your own decision and its fine to work at our own principles and follow these all our life
I only swim for pleasure and physical exercise this time. I no longer aspire to join a swimming competition. The swimming committee already trained enthusiastic people males and females in our location. I focus more on writing articles, poems and horror stories for the international contests starting this month.
During my college, I was among the team that played football and volleyball. My favourite sports are football, volleyball, swimming. All the sports are for fun and it will be exciting if I add more to my list.
I know and it's fine as long as it's your own decision and its fine to work at our own principles and follow these all our life
Yes, you are so right. It was my decision not to anymore participate in a contest and not to anymore accept as the swimming representative in a place where there is a swimming competition. I just swim in the swimming pool at home every MWF.