Discussion Hub

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What time did you wake today?

I woke up at 7 a.m. today. It's Sunday. I thought that I would wake up late, but I could not as my car cleaner knocked on the door. It will be a hectic day as I have to see a skin doctor today, who is far away from home.
Oh . that's fine!!
Are you a student? Most students don't have a set sleep schedule if they don't go to school. On Sundays and on holidays, I also wake up late in the morning and sleep in the afternoon to refresh myself for work next week.
No, I’m not a student. I’ve been out of school for the past 16 years.
I slept pretty early the previous night, then woke up around after 12. I remembered the generator was still on so I had to go off it. After that I slept back only to wake up around three. After sleeping again I woke up 4am and I have been awake since then.
I woke up 4am which Is early for me. But it is understandable because I slept early, too early.
I woke up 4am which Is early for me. But it is understandable because I slept early, too early.

I also worked up at 4:30 am today because of the shift at work. And now at work I am feeling bit sleepy because I slept late yesterday's night. I will sleep early today as I don't want to get ill.
We all wake at different times each day depending on the type of day we have ahead.

What time did you wake up today?

Due to being up late last night watching the Royal Rumble, I did not wake until 2 pm as I didn't get to bed until 6 am. I am so thankful these main events are every so often!
Today it was 5.30 Am and these days I am mostly waking up around this time
I slept around 1am then work up exactly 4am.
I slept around 1am then work up exactly 4am.

😲 Only 3 hours sleep!! Are you feeling fine in the morning now? I can't stay awake if I don't get a sleep of at least 6 hours. I tried to awake till late night when I was a student but I failed I could not do it like other friends who used to study till late night.
😲 Only 3 hours sleep!! Are you feeling fine in the morning now? I can't stay awake if I don't get a sleep of at least 6 hours. I tried to awake till late night when I was a student but I failed I could not do it like other friends who used to study till late night.
Lol have been pretty busy so I haven't really noticed, I know once I take a little break and just relax, am going to fall asleep faster than the flash.
I woke up at 5a.m. to use the washroom. I tried to fall back to sleep but couldn't so just got up. I bagged about 6 hours sleep in total.
Wake up? I haven't gone to bed yet. hehehe
I woke up around 3am, they had just brought our light again so I went to pump water. After that I slept a bit then woke up around after 4, and I have been awake since then.
That's so weird, as you have to wait for the power to complete your work. I remember that in our childhood, our water supply was up to 8 a.m., and we did not have any water storage tanks, so we had to take a bath before that, even on holidays.
Over here most homes have their personal tanks and a pumping machine ment for that compound. So from time to time we have to pump the water when there is light or with a generator.
We also have the same procedure. If electricity is cut, then we will also face problems with water. We don't have hand pumps here as the water level is so low. It's not easy to survive without electricity these days.
Electricity is pretty much everything these days, I think it's safe to say it is pretty much one of the basic things we need to survive these days.
I usually wake up at around 6 Am and yesterday I slept little late so I woke up tired but its fine
6 am is not too early. At what time you slept yesterday?
I think it was around 11.30 which is late for me as I normally like to sleep by 10 Pm