These are personal choices of a person, you need to moderate time between social media and other tricks on the life.Oh, but I'm not sure it is advisable to completely stay away from social media for a whole year. Don't you think so?
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These are personal choices of a person, you need to moderate time between social media and other tricks on the life.Oh, but I'm not sure it is advisable to completely stay away from social media for a whole year. Don't you think so?
Yes in terms of our mental health, it is extremely important we take little breaksI also say it's okay . We can live without social sites as in the past too when there was no internet , we used to live comfortably.
It is popular for old generation.I used MySpace back in the day, tried using Facebook multiple times, and now I only use Reddit.
True, I just feel that social media is also a platform to connect and interact with people that you will not be able to meet physically. There are also opportunities that can be harnessed through the use of social media. But like you said, it is everyone's personal choice.These are personal choices of a person, you need to moderate time between social media and other tricks on the life.
I do not think that it is a good idea to send bad pictures to people that you do not even know in the life that is a repeated attitude from boys to girls, what you do not accept for your sister do not do with sister of others, without giving more details because it is clear enough. These social media contains a lot of these bad people that disrespect others.True, I just feel that social media is also a platform to connect and interact with people that you will not be able to meet physically. There are also opportunities that can be harnessed through the use of social media. But like you said, it is everyone's personal choice.
You are right because they could influence your ideas by fact of time or just browsing their content that could be not a good sign.The more time we spend on Social networking websites the bad it will be as its full of toxic minded people so its better to find better ways to spend time
LinkedIn could be helpful to find a job.I use social media channels like Linked In, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
I feel its a waste of time so we should try to spend less time on social networking websites and do something productive
Truly, can get valuable information from social media every now and then. But like you said, there are a lot of filthy engagements there, that is why I don't engage in any kind of conversation on any posts especially on Facebook.I won't say it's a waste of time because sometimes we get valuable information there, but that happens occasionally, and most of the posts are not worth reading. The comments on the posts are so filthy sometimes that you will feel embarrassed to read them.
Truly, can get valuable information from social media every now and then. But like you said, there are a lot of filthy engagements there, that is why I don't engage in any kind of conversation on any posts especially on Facebook.
Yes i use twitter, Instagram, whatshap but i quite Facebook for some reasons but it's good to use social for fun, entertainment and news.
I so much like using FacebookI definitely use social media a lot more than I did when I was younger but only Twitter, Insta, TikTok, and Snap. Back in the day though, I was a MySpace and Facebook user, as well but as you get older, social media doesn't feel the same, or at least, you me it doesn't.
So, do you use social media? What are some of your favorite apps?
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