Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Do you use social media?

I use social media to keep in contact with my family. I also use Youtube and Reddit if they both count as social media. I stopped using Twitter after getting a new phone. I just didn't bother figuring out what my password is to log back into my account, plus I'm not a fan of Twitter anymore anyways.
I think that Snapchat and Instagram are very popular among the youths. I recently joined Instagram for business purposes
Yes i use it daily. I just use Facebook and Instagram to see my neice. (She lives in Florida)
I think that Snapchat and Instagram are very popular among the youths. I recently joined Instagram for business purposes
Snapchat used to be pretty big, but I think the youth are more on Tiktok these days.
Snapchat used to be pretty big, but I think the youth are more on Tiktok these days.
Oh! I see. I have never used it. In our country, TikTok has been banned for the last few years. Maybe that's the reason that I see more youngsters using Instagram and Snapchat.
I make use of social media though it's not all platform that I engage in interactions with people. For me, I love to read on Facebook, watch videos on Tiktok and sale my products on WhatsApp.
I make sure that I don't waste my time on social media. Actually, I don't have the luxury of time to do so. I have kept 20_30 minutes in the whole day to visit the couple of platforms that I am a part of. That's enough for me to stay updated and also to promote something that I want to from my side.
It's the same with me. When on social media, I would mostly browse and respond to others. I don't want to post personal life there. I would mostly post my blogs for reading. Or I would post things related to my work and business.