Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Search results

  1. A

    Have you ever completed a game 100%?

    Yes I think I have played around 90 to 95 percentage but playing a game 100 percent cannot be possible
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    Do you ever wish there were more hours in a day?

    Yes I wish there were more hours in a day than night because of our daily activities
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    Do you wish to settle in rural place?

    Yes I wish to settle in a rural community because they were living peacefully and everything was easier than than urban community I wish I could live at rural community at times
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    Is there someone you don't like to remember?

    Yes off course I don't want to remember my first date because she betrayed me and even her name when I hear it from someone I feel so upset but I forgive her but I will never forget
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    I love games

    I love games because sometimes when I am upset I used to play a lot because More especially PUBG mobile and God of war it parts of my favorites
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    How do you know you are in love?

    Yes because it cannot be hidden love and happiness can never be hidden
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    Is imagination more important than knowledge?

    Imagination is not better than knowledge because simply knowledge is reality while imagination it's not
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    What's the most important thing you've learned from having a pet?

    They were easily to adapt our daily activities and they're happy to live with us especially dog and cat I have good intentions to live with them
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    Is it bad to make mistakes?

    No it is not bad to make a mistake because every steps you have taken in your life it was written all you have to do is that accept it and don't argue with elders
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    When having a bad day, what do you do?

    I used to spend a lot of time at home to play games and watch movies and perform exercise
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    Do you accept your criticism easily?

    Yes I do because no one can escape his destiny and I will make sure I accepted it
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    How To Handle Negative Criticism

    I used to under goes the process and make sure I understand the the incident before I judge the process and I will make sure I judge to give them equal right
  13. A

    Do you handle stress well?

    Yes I handled it very well and I use to have enough sleeping and I eat a lot when I am tired and I spend a lot of time at home