Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Do you accept your criticism easily?

Yes I do because no one can escape his destiny and I will make sure I accepted it
It is hard for anyone to accept criticism. We are all human beings, and we are all sensitive. We all have pride, and whatever we do, we think we have done exceptionally well, but that's not the case. Whatever we think may not be reality.We must take them as a scope for improvement in ourselves.
Not all criticism is real; sometimes it comes to us as a personal attack, and we may not be able to handle it.
Then what should we do? For me, I always ignore it; however, it is hard to do that. I don't have any other strategy to handle them.
What is your strategy to handle criticism?
Actually it is true and yes I always accept my criticism easily because its hard to get frustrated and I always used to forgive and forget even if it comes as a personal attack
If it is a hearsay criticism of course, I will not accept. I have to bring it to court for defaming my reputation but if the criticism has bearing and is based on facts well I may humbly accept and apologise and make amends to what I have done not good to their eyes and ears.
I always filter to see if there is an element of truth in the criticism. If there is, I would gladly accept it, work on it and effect a change. And most times, there is always an element of truth in every criticism even if it is harshly expressed.
@King Belieal .you have made a very valid point there. Some people are not good with their words choice and tones. Their criticism might come in a very harsh tone and can be hurtful. It is tough to take such criticism in a good spirit. But one should take it with a pinch of salt and see the element of truth in it. It helps in our self development and growth.