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Do you accept your criticism easily?

When you criticize me constructively without attacking me, it is very easy for me to accept it. But when you are hostile with your criticism, you have lost me.
Yeah I welcome constructive criticism too. Those kinds that is meant for building up, so it does not warrant the use of cruel or demeaning words.
I always welcome constructive criticism, as it gives us scope to improve ourselves; otherwise, we may not be able to know our flaws. I have met lots of friends who have always pointed out my mistakes but never did it in front of others. I appreciate such people who really want me to improve.
I agree with you sanjeev. Constructive criticism helps us know the things we need to improve on and get better.
It's hard to accept a criticism despite constructive. The reason for that is pride. Well, when we are alone we can weigh the gravity of the criticism. It might be defamatory or baseless, so we can react and seek justice.
I agree and my first reaction is always straight and I cannot accept criticism easily but after some time I do remember what I was told and if I can improve on it
It's hard to accept a criticism despite constructive. The reason for that is pride. Well, when we are alone we can weigh the gravity of the criticism. It might be defamatory or baseless, so we can react and seek justice.
Criticisms can be positive too, so we shouldn't feel that every criticism is for our own bad, no. We need to keep in mind that it is this kind of criticism that actually makes us grow.
Sometimes people do give constructive criticism but the way they put it might be harsh. Some good leaders are an expert in giving constructive criticism in a very polite and firm way. They know well how to weigh their words and put it forward without hurting the person. These leaders are good at grooming people under them.
As Indira before me said, it depends on the type of criticism and my feelings towards the critic. If the criticism is constructive, I will accept and acknowledge it. If it is destructive, I will insult the person, especially if the criticism is from someone I neither like nor respect.
You said it right: how will one tolerate criticism from a person you don't know or don't respect? I have never faced criticism from such people. I wonder what people get when they criticize someone they don't even know well.
It is difficult because everyone wants to believe that he does everything without mistakes and any other opinion will be unacceptable for him. Before, it was difficult for me and I always refused to discuss my actions or decisions. But then I realized that even in criticism you should look for something that you can fix because you don't see yourself from the same point of view as other people
I think that we are humans beings and we can't be flawless. But we can always work and be a better version of ourselves. And with maturity and experience, we develop a sense where we can differentiate between a constructive criticism and the one that is just put to bring us down. One can always take the constructive one positively and work on improvement. But for the later one, it's better to ignore and don't let it affect you.
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