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What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?



Apr 8, 2024
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"Me" time is a luxury in my life. But I make sure that I have at least 20 minutes of them daily to connect to myself without anything to bother about. I like to read a good book with some good music in background or just do some handwork of art and craft in my "me" time. How about you? Do you make sure that you steal some moments in the fast pace life for yourself and how do you like to spend it? Would love to hear from you.
"Me" time is a luxury in my life. But I make sure that I have at least 20 minutes of them daily to connect to myself without anything to bother about. I like to read a good book with some good music in background or just do some handwork of art and craft in my "me" time. How about you? Do you make sure that you steal some moments in the fast pace life for yourself and how do you like to spend it? Would love to hear from you.
I don't usually get some 'me' time, but when I do, I make sure I spend it getting some good sleep!
It depends on what I feel like at that moment. Majority of the times I prefer watching movies or playing games. Then other times I use my me time to research different things online.
It depends on what I feel like at that moment. Majority of the times I prefer watching movies or playing games. Then other times I use my me time to research different things online.
I guess what the poster mean is that we try to use our 'me' time to do something productive. And as far as both of us are concerned, sleeping, watching movies and playing games and not productive at all! 🤣
@Teegold . That's great. Sleep is a very good way to rejuvenate ourself. It's the only way our body can heal itself.
@eLdavis . One need not be productive all the time. We all need the time to relax and do things that we love to do. That helps us rejuvenate and be more productive later on. If you get too carried away and spend a lot of time on these activities, then it would be the waste of time and it can be counter productive.
I guess what the poster mean is that we try to use our 'me' time to do something productive. And as far as both of us are concerned, sleeping, watching movies and playing games and not productive at all! 🤣
Oh no, my me time is to rest because I hardly have a me time. Am always busy with one thing or the other, if I am not working on a design for a client or a project in church, I am working online, if an not working online, am learning a new skill online or searching for something. Most times the 24 hours is not even enough to sort out everything. So the little extra time I get is to do something that is not related to work.
You are very correct, there are times one just need to take time off work and relax.
@eLdavis . I am like you. My schedule is pretty busy and I am like a workoholic. I love being busy. I strongly feel that it's a blessing to be busy in a productive way. But still I take a few breaks and rejuvenate myself. Working online on forums is a way to rejuvenate myself. I take a power nap in the afternoon to rest.
Sadly these days I am only wasting time on Instagram and in a way its my me time LOL and I really need to break this habit now
@Teegold . That's great. Sleep is a very good way to rejuvenate ourself. It's the only way our body can heal itself.
@eLdavis . One need not be productive all the time. We all need the time to relax and do things that we love to do. That helps us rejuvenate and be more productive later on. If you get too carried away and spend a lot of time on these activities, then it would be the waste of time and it can be counter productive.
Yeah thanks for trying to make me feel better with the sleep thing, though I must admit that sometimes I overdo it!
I am a little weird as since childhood I don't like to sleep during my free time when at home so it cannot be my me time although sometimes I do sleep if I am feeling tired or lazy
So since you cannot sleep that much, that means you spend most of your time on Instagram or social media platforms?
So since you cannot sleep that much, that means you spend most of your time on Instagram or social media platforms?
LOL yeah, This is what I am doing all the time and sometimes I hate myself for wasting time like that
Yeah thanks for trying to make me feel better with the sleep thing, though I must admit that sometimes I overdo it!
I guess that's okay if it is not impacting any other thing big in your life. Our body requirements might be different and it also has to do with other factors like our age and health. Some of us need more sleep than others. If I don't get a good sleep for 6_7 hours, I am like a zombie. But my husband does not sleep more than 5 hours at a stretch. He is okay with it.
I get tired from my job, so whatever spare time I get, I sleep to get relaxed. If I am not sleeping, I watch comedy programs on TV. Usually, I watch "Tarak Mehta ka Olta Chashma" and relax or talk to my parents or my kids and wife.
I am looking forward to learn more about stocks and I hope to learn how we can predict the market and that can help me make more money from stocks
I normally spend time reading during my "me" time. My hubby will spend his "me" time watching tv.
I get tired from my job, so whatever spare time I get, I sleep to get relaxed. If I am not sleeping, I watch comedy programs on TV. Usually, I watch "Tarak Mehta ka Olta Chashma" and relax or talk to my parents or my kids and wife.
I used to watch Tarak Mehta ka Ooltah Chashma. It's a entertainer and will really relax your mind after a days work. Talking to family members would be a family time and not me time. But having a good family time can also be rejuvenating.
I like browsing/posting on forums and coding/supporting people with their forums.
@Cory . That is interesting. Seems like you enjoy posting on forums a lot. Even I do that. I love to learn and share on forums. It also helps me to relax and rejuvenate.
I only need my phone and something to drink and munch on and that would be my ideal me time