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What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?

That's a very good decision. Reading habit is a great way to stay engaged and gain more knowledge. I am an avid reader. My day is not complete without devoting at least 20 minutes to a book.
I guess so and this is why I am open to suggestions for books that I can read that can help me learn about money-making or personality development
@eLdavis . I am like you. My schedule is pretty busy and I am like a workoholic. I love being busy. I strongly feel that it's a blessing to be busy in a productive way. But still I take a few breaks and rejuvenate myself. Working online on forums is a way to rejuvenate myself. I take a power nap in the afternoon to rest.
You have actually said it all. While it's a blessing we still need to take care of ourselves so this bless doesn't become a curse in the future.
Although its a blessing to be busy and earning and production but we all need me time if not daily then at least in 2 days to have some respite from busy schedule
@eLdavis and @Ginger . I totally agree with both of you. It's a blessing to be busy and productively engaged and have the financial gain, but nothing at the cost of loosing your health and mental peace. We need to have adequate rest and some me time on regular basis to keep rejuvenating us. Else all these blessings can soon turn into a curse.
@eLdavis and @Ginger . I totally agree with both of you. It's a blessing to be busy and productively engaged and have the financial gain, but nothing at the cost of loosing your health and mental peace. We need to have adequate rest and some me time on regular basis to keep rejuvenating us. Else all these blessings can soon turn into a curse.
I do rate mental and physical health very high and that's why I do prefer to rest and relax during the evening time and my Sundays are mostly for relaxing and rejuvenating
For some days now, what I normally do is to sleep. I guess it's cause I have been extremely stressed for some time now without having any proper rest.
To sleep is good as it can make you feel good and refreshed and will relieve yourself from your tiredness or fatigue

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