Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. Rajan

    Do you take showers in the AM or PM?

    I always take shower in the morning but in the sumners it's must to take shower both in the morning and evening.
  2. Rajan

    What is you favourite weather conditions?

    I like cooler weather because somehow that hotter weather does not suits me and I start feeling irritated because of it
  3. Rajan

    Can't go a day without?

    A day cannot pass without checking my phone because it has become an integral party of my life
  4. Rajan

    Is it worth making furniture for the house with your own hands?

    It's a good idea only if you are good at wood and furniture work and skilled otherwise it's tough
  5. Rajan

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    All my life I have shopped offline but since lock down period I have started to shop online and liking it so much
  6. Rajan

    Do you sleep with lights on?

    I cannot sleep with lights on and even the faintest of light doesn't let me sleep
  7. Rajan

    General Chat Thread

    Hello friends. It feels great to be part of this community which is expanding at a rapid pace.
  8. Rajan

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    I am feeling relaxed and good today and the credit goes to the wonderful cooler weather.
  9. Rajan

    What is the weather like today?

    Weather is cooler today. Only 15C so I am feeling relaxed and it's expected to rain in the evening.
  10. Rajan

    What time did you wake today?

    I take help of Alarm clock to wake up daily at 5 am because I follow a daily routine to exercise and yoga in the morning
  11. Rajan

    Is there a dress code at your job?

    No there is no such requirement at my job but still we need to dress decently
  12. Rajan

    How did you find us?

    I was referred by a friend because I am in search of platforms to work on my English writing and learning.