Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. Nathan

    WiFi Abroad?

    Having Internet access when you are on vacation is great. You will be able to share your vacation photos and videos. But if WiFi is not available, it is not a great problem for me because I am on vacation to enjoy physically and do not want to spoil time trying to get into the virtual world.
  2. Nathan

    Do you prefer running a blog or a forum?

    I don't have blogs or forums. However, if I ever decide to create my first website, it would be an online store where I would also add a blog and forum. I would use blogs for informative content, and forum for support and other discussion. I think blog and forums, both have their own beauty.
  3. Nathan

    Artificial Intelligence

    I use Generative AI tools for generating text based content, image based content as well as video and audio content. If you use Internet for work related activities, chances are there that you will be using Gen AI.
  4. Nathan

    Favorite Forum Software

    All forums I have used are running on Xenforo. I do not have any experience with any other software. I cannot make any comparison but based on my experience as a user, xeneforo is really good
  5. Nathan

    Hardest part about running a forum?

    I have no experience with running a forum but as a user on a couple of forums I guess the hardest part would be bringing users on your forum who post quality content on a regular basis. A lot of forums have trash posts.
  6. Nathan

    What turns you off on websites

    I visit website for content, if there is absense of quality content, I will immediately walk off. I understand a website needs to earn so I don't mind ads but if they are too much, I will simply abandon the website.
  7. Nathan

    Paid Posting

    I don't own a forum, so hiring paid poster is it if question, I use a couple if forums but I have never paid for posting. I guess if I can get paid for posting on forums, that would be wonderful . By the way, where can you get paid posting job.
  8. Nathan

    Your tips for new forum owners?

    I am not in a position to give tips because I do not have any experience with running a forum, but based on my personal experience, I think new users should be very careful about content quality. If your forum has quality content, you can expect traffic outside your user base.
  9. Nathan

    Hosting Problems

    I don't have a website, so 8 do not have a first hand experience with something called DDoS, but I have seen this happen to multiple websites. I believe this is mainly a work of a competitor
  10. Nathan

    Do you allow change of username?

    I don't own a forum but as a user on multiple forums, I believe the users should be given the flexibility of changing user names. There shouldn't be any kind of rigid rules regarding usernames. The more flexibility you offer, the more users you can gain.
  11. Nathan

    Do you lack time online due to the holidays?

    Holidays or no holidays, my online activities are almost same. I use Internet for learning, information, as well as entertainment. So I use Internet regularly, I don't take break from virtual world. Having said that I do not spend a lot of time online, though.
  12. Nathan

    Nathan here

    Hello, this is Nathan. I am an average guy who has interest in pop culture. I like to play games and watch TV shows. I don't like using social media site because there is much fake things going, I like forums instead. Good to be here.