Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Tessy 20

    How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

    I make sure I go live on TikTok at least once every week to engage with my followers. Apart from that, I spend one hour everyday on TikTok in the evenings. On the average, I spend up to 8 hours on Twitter every week.
  2. Tessy 20

    Which is your favorite social media platform?

    I love Facebook more than any social media platform. It is relatable for me as I find real people that I know in real life there. I also love TikTok because if one plays their cards well, they can easily get popular through TikTok.
  3. Tessy 20

    Which paid to post forum would you join to make money?

    The only paid forum that I am on is Forum Coin. But I have heard so much about Discussion Bucks and I have intentions of joining the forum. Just bidding my time though. Paid to post forums could be very lively though.
  4. Tessy 20

    Paid staff or Free staff?

    It all depends on what you want. If you are tasking the staff to have a fixed duration that they to be present on the forum to do their work, then you have to pay. For a voluntary position, staff should not be put under any obligation.
  5. Tessy 20

    Do you see Garnacho becoming a star at Manchester United?

    One thing I love about him is that he is a player that is always willing to work and improve. He had challenges with his stamina and people were calling on him to hit the gym. He has done just that and that aspect of his game has improved tremendously.
  6. Tessy 20

    Debate Religion

    I am highly religious. I believe that God exists and he reigns over everything on earth. I go to church twice a week and on Sundays but I question some things that I find inconsistent in Christianity. In other words, I am not a foolishly religious person.
  7. Tessy 20

    Debate Fighting Back Against Harassment

    You have got to be firm. You have got to stand up to the person that harasses you. Stand your ground. Don't yield. If it is out of hand, report to the authorities. There are certain things that would continue to exist as long as humans exist no matter how much you try. And harassment is one of them.
  8. Tessy 20

    Debate Bad parenting

    What I have come to know is that this life has no formula. I have seen children who were raised by very high moral standards turn to criminality. And kids raised by very morally depraved parents turn out good. At the end of the day, it is all about a person's decisions and not parenting that is...
  9. Tessy 20

    Debate Death penalty

    If it can be proven that a person committed a crime like kidnapping, murder and rape, such a person should face the death penalty by hanging. Those crimes destroy the core of the victims and shouldn't be forgiven.
  10. Tessy 20

    Debate Student loan forgiveness for high grades?

    I won't say that the loan should be completely written off but the amount to be repaid can be reduced for students that are performing consistently at a very high level. The bar should be so high to ensure highly deserving students enjoy the incentive.
  11. Tessy 20

    Who is the top striker in the world?

    I think that Haaland is the best striker in the world. Man went to the EPL which is the best league in the world and shattered all the goal scoring records that ever existed. And he has replicated such high levels in another season. He is the striker defenders dread to play against.