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Debate Death penalty


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Is it a reasonable punishment? Is it an easy way out?
I think certain crimes deserve the death penalty. Child rape, for example, is an unforgivable crime. Do those people deserve to live? But on the other hand, I can understand why some people may think rotting in prison for the rest of your life is a worse punishment.
I think certain crimes deserve the death penalty. Child rape, for example, is an unforgivable crime. Do those people deserve to live? But on the other hand, I can understand why some people may think rotting in prison for the rest of your life is a worse punishment.
Always a chance of a forced confession by a bully to cover themselves, or an innocent citizen being convicted
Always a chance of a forced confession by a bully to cover themselves, or an innocent citizen being convicted
True, that’s also a crucial factor. I think evidence is important to consider when determining this punishment.
When there is no reasonable doubt of the culprit's guilt then yes, I believe in it. My cousin was murdered.
I say no, and I'll explain why.

First, miscarriages of justice happen. We've seen it many times. Killing someone kinda prevents us from putting it right if we get it wrong.
Second, there is no evidence that it is effective as a deterrent. When the death penalty has been abolished there has been no uptick in homicide.
Third, if you're black or asian you are more likely to be sentenced to death than if you are white. Racial disparity is proven.
Fourth, it costs more to execute then it does to keep someone incarcerated for life. That may seem a bit illogical, but much of the cost is to do with the lengthy legal challenges and appeals. Maybe in Saudi Arabia (for example) this won't apply as the execution is typically quick, but the strain on the United States legal system is significant.
Fifth, there are significant moral and ethical issues around the death penalty. Is it right that the state should murder people?
Sixth, where is the chance for rehabilitation? If we kill someone they will never be able to atone for their actions.

Retribution and revenge have no place in a civilised society. This map should be of interest:

Opinions on this will vary depending on personal experience. If someone has experienced something so bad, they might vote "yes" for it. If someone hasn't had any personal experience that was so extreme, they might end up voting "no." The same person who is in support of it might come back and support it when they or their family go through something extreme. It's not applicable to everyone but for the 99.99%. Personally, I feel it is an easy way out so there should be some other way of punishment where the criminals are made to realize their mistakes & their consequences every passing day of their lives until they take their last breath.
Opinions on this will vary depending on personal experience. If someone has experienced something so bad, they might vote "yes" for it. If someone hasn't had any personal experience that was so extreme, they might end up voting "no." The same person who is in support of it might come back and support it when they or their family go through something extreme. It's not applicable to everyone but for the 99.99%. Personally, I feel it is an easy way out so there should be some other way of punishment where the criminals are made to realize their mistakes & their consequences every passing day of their lives until they take their last breath.
Some people have faced death penality but after they are dead they reveal that they are not responsible for the crime but the policeman has accused them wrongly and then even their families get money then their son or girl that has faced death penality will not back for life. This is why sometimes I could say no.
Opinions on this will vary depending on personal experience. If someone has experienced something so bad, they might vote "yes" for it. If someone hasn't had any personal experience that was so extreme, they might end up voting "no." The same person who is in support of it might come back and support it when they or their family go through something extreme. It's not applicable to everyone but for the 99.99%. Personally, I feel it is an easy way out so there should be some other way of punishment where the criminals are made to realize their mistakes & their consequences every passing day of their lives until they take their last breath.

Just like you said, it has a lot to do with what a person is thinking in terms of whether the death penalty is a good punishment to culprits. This also is related to if the need for life imprisonment makes sense. Now, to the answer of whether it is an easy way out, I believe that giving a death penalty saves the society of a menace which can continue to torment the society, assuming a situation like the prison break occurs when they are still alive. So, I am in total support of a death penalty for crimes that were obvious that it involved killings.
If it is irrefutably proven that a person commited a crime like rape or murder, the person should face the death sentence and should be summarily executed. Such persons don't deserve to live at all for any reason. Not even in prison.
Yes, they get out and become repeat offenders. Why should tax payers have to house and feed them? Give me the rifle and put me in the volunteer firing squad. Believe you me I won't have to be ordered twice to pull the trigger.
I am against death penalty, our country abolished death penalty a long time ago. I know some criminals can never be forgiven because of the seriousness of the crime they commit, however, I think they should be let live so that they can repent all their life. It would be better punishment than just killing them.
What are your thoughts on the death penalty? Is it a reasonable punishment? Is it an easy way out?

I don't have a problem with the death penalty. As long as there is indisputable evidence and proof that the one going to the electric chair is the one who really committed the crime.

Sadly, in the United States, many cases have been overturned because of a miscarriage of justice. For this reason, I would not actively promote the death penalty.

However, when a person like Ted Bundy got the death penalty, I did not oppose the sentence. Bundy killed women for fun because he thought he was smart enough and rich enough to get away with it. One of his victims was a 12-year-old girl.

There is nothing about the death penalty that's easy. But it could be argued that it is reasonable.
I support the death penalty under certain conditions. First, there must be undeniable evidence that the person committed the crime. And second, the crime must be extremely serious, such as murder or serious child abuse. If these criteria are met, then I'm in favor of it.
I am someone who supports the death penalty as long as there is solid and reasonable evidence to prove that the person being sentenced to death did commit the crimes and it is in no way shape or form a possible mistake that could have been made.

Death is irreversible and to find out someone served the death penalty to only later be found not guilty is sad and something that can not be changed.
I hate that idea. Taking a life is bad. But some people beg for it. I don't know what to do with them.

Also, given the way government operates, having to power to kill civilians is not a good idea. There is too much corruption and innocent lives maybe at stake.
If it can be proven that a person committed a crime like kidnapping, murder and rape, such a person should face the death penalty by hanging. Those crimes destroy the core of the victims and shouldn't be forgiven.
I say no, and I'll explain why.

First, miscarriages of justice happen. We've seen it many times. Killing someone kinda prevents us from putting it right if we get it wrong.
Second, there is no evidence that it is effective as a deterrent. When the death penalty has been abolished there has been no uptick in homicide.
Third, if you're black or asian you are more likely to be sentenced to death than if you are white. Racial disparity is proven.
Fourth, it costs more to execute then it does to keep someone incarcerated for life. That may seem a bit illogical, but much of the cost is to do with the lengthy legal challenges and appeals. Maybe in Saudi Arabia (for example) this won't apply as the execution is typically quick, but the strain on the United States legal system is significant.
Fifth, there are significant moral and ethical issues around the death penalty. Is it right that the state should murder people?
Sixth, where is the chance for rehabilitation? If we kill someone they will never be able to atone for their actions.

Retribution and revenge have no place in a civilised society. This map should be of interest:

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Your third reason is uncalled for. Are you saying that the crime that a black person will commit which will result in death sentence, a white person might commit it and go Scott free?
I strongly believe there are some crimes that giving a death sentence is called for. This is not something that should be given out randomly or at anytime though.
I am in favor of the death penalty. If someone commits a severe crime, then he or she should be given death sentence to let others know about the severity of the punishment. When someone murders someone, he or she also knows how that person must have felt when he or she was dying, and for that, the criminal should be given the death penalty.