Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Debashis

    Do you like shopping online or offline?

    I personally prefer online shopping because it offers convenience, a wider selection of products, and the ability to compare prices easily. It saves me time and allows me to shop from the comfort of my own home.
  2. Debashis

    Thoughts on piercings

    Piercings are a popular form of self-expression, allowing individuals to showcase their unique style and personality. They can hold cultural or symbolic meaning, and while societal acceptance varies, many view piercings as a creative and fashionable way to enhance one's appearance.
  3. Debashis

    Do you take showers in the AM or PM?

    If I am at home, I take a shower around 1 PM. If I go to work then I take a shower sometime around 7 PM. So, whether I go to the office or work from home or it's a holiday, I always take a shower in the PM. I don't like to bath early in the morning. I feel it's best to shower in the evening as...
  4. Debashis

    Are you a fan of football?

    I'm not a fan of football, but I love playing FIFA on PC sometimes. The game allows me to experience the excitement and thrill of football without having to follow a specific team or watch matches regularly. It's a fun way to enjoy the sport on my own terms.
  5. Debashis

    Gaming What are the games you just don't enjoy or like?

    I don't enjoy or like playing FPS games. The fast-paced action and constant shooting doesn't appeal to me. I prefer slower-paced and strategic games that require more thinking and decision-making. FPS games just don't hold my interest.
  6. Debashis

    Movies Do you always sleep off watching movies at night?

    No, I don't always sleep off watching movies at night. Sometimes I am too engrossed in the movie to fall asleep, or I make sure to watch movies earlier in the day to avoid staying up too late and disrupting my sleep schedule.
  7. Debashis

    Do you lack time online due to the holidays?

    During the holidays, I often find it challenging to allocate enough time for online tasks. It is sometimes frustrating not being able to be online as much as usual, but that's fine I feel as the holidays are a time for family and relaxation. :)
  8. Debashis

    How often do you exercise?

    I try to exercise at least 3 days a week (my aim is 5), 1hr a day consisting of 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weight training. I think I am in shape as I've been doing it for a while and I don't eat much junk food too. But to remain in shape, I have to continue doing it. It's a new...
  9. Debashis

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    The last movie I saw in the theater was SRK's latest movie "Dunki", which is basically about how poor people are not given visas and so, how they go abroad illegally through donkey routes (illegal immigration). It is a very feel-good movie with a nice blend of comedy and emotions. One would...
  10. Debashis

    Gaming What is the most bugged game that you ever played?

    The most bugged game I ever played was definitely Fallout 76. It was riddled with countless glitches, from NPCs getting stuck in walls to game-breaking crashes. It was a frustrating experience, to say the least.
  11. Debashis

    Do you like clear or designed phone cases?

    I prefer clear phone cases as they allow the natural beauty of the phone to shine through while still providing protection. Designed cases can be fun as they can elevate the looks of the phone, but I personally prefer a more minimalist look.
  12. Debashis

    DH Contests (WINNERS ANNOUNCED) Discussion Hub New Year Posting Contest! Share Your Post Count to Enter!

    I'll give it a shot. Please add my name to the OP. :D Starting Post Count: 33
  13. Debashis

    Debashis here

    I'm sure, I will. 😊
  14. Debashis

    Halloween Find the DH Logo!

    Thank you! 😊
  15. Debashis

    Halloween Find the DH Logo!

    Yay!! 🥳
  16. Debashis

    In what year did you first step in a gym?

    We often find ourselves worrying about our physique and when it gets too much, we finally decide to follow a diet and hit the gym. When was the first time you successfully pushed yourself enough to step inside of a gym? Were you able to continue? If not, for how long did you go? Are you planning...
  17. Debashis

    How many forums are you active on right now?

    No matter if you are a member or a part of the staff, there would be forums where you like to spend most of your time. How many such forums are there for you right now? Are you a staff in them or a regular member?
  18. Debashis

    Gaming Which is your favorite racing game?

    Irrespective of the platform, which is your favorite racing game of all-time and why? For me, it has to be Need For Speed Most Wanted 2005 because of its storyline and gameplay. I've not come across any other racing game with a better plot than what that game has.
  19. Debashis

    Movies Which is your favorite Harry Potter movie?

    Starting from the Philosopher's Stone to Deathly Hallows 2, there are total 8 Harry Potter movies. Among them, which one is your most favorite and why?