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Gaming What is the most bugged game that you ever played?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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Bugs are one thing which can never be eliminated from video games. No matter how the game developers put in efforts to make sure the game comes out bug free, it hardly goes according to their plan. Battlefield 2042 and Cyberpunk 2077 have been the most bugged game I've played.

Which video games are the most bugged that you ever played?
It's either Bubsy 3D or Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric. Many people think that Sonic 06 is the buggiest game but I was lucky enough to avoid most glitches when I played the game, however Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric glitched so bad that it made my Wii U freeze. That's why it's my least favorite game in the series. Bubsy isn't the best series, but Bubsy 3D is a mess.
The most bugged game I ever played was definitely Fallout 76. It was riddled with countless glitches, from NPCs getting stuck in walls to game-breaking crashes. It was a frustrating experience, to say the least.
I haven't played these games, but I remember when Cyberpunk 2077 first came out, I saw a lot of videos where people showed how many bugs there were. However, now I only play GTA 5 and I can say that there are also enough bugs if you play for a long time and notice the details
I didn't play so many games, so I can't say that it was very buggy. However, I play Fortnite and I think there are bugs there too, but I don't pay much attention to it. But I think they will eventually solve all the problems and this game will be great
I have come across a few bugged games but I don't actually take record of these kind of things though.
Without a doubt, the most egregiously bugged game I've suffered through was Cyberpunk 2077 at launch. Poor performance and frequent crashes were bad enough, but the real kicker were the hilarious yet immersion-breaking glitches. I encountered NPCs spawning inside walls, vehicles launching into the stratosphere, and textures smearing across the screen like abstract art.