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Gaming What are the games you just don't enjoy or like?


Active Contributor

Nov 12, 2023
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It's going to be impossible for someone to love and enjoy playing all kinds of video games. There are so many video games genre which some of them wouldn't be fun for one to play. I know some people who never like playing horror games as it freaks them out and makes them uncomfortable.

What are the games you just don't enjoy or like playing?
I do not enjoy most video games because they were the first reason for was fired from work from being caught playing video games on mobile during working hours when my boss show camera history as control of workers when getting tired from programming. This is because of the fact of addiction and decided after that to flash my mobile phone and PC and discontinue experience with my old email and plenty of video game sites before being hired to a new job.
I don't enjoy or like playing FPS games. The fast-paced action and constant shooting doesn't appeal to me. I prefer slower-paced and strategic games that require more thinking and decision-making. FPS games just don't hold my interest.
I don't enjoy or like playing FPS games. The fast-paced action and constant shooting don't appeal to me. I prefer slower-paced and strategic games that require more thinking and decision-making. FPS games just don't hold my interest.
They learn you to be someone violent and rude in this life and has the fact of being someone selfish and this is why this game is not recommended for any age due to the fact of violence involved between different players.
I suck at all FPS games, I've tried many times but my brain will not coordinate with my fingers, EVER! So I stick with Street fighter, Mortal Kombat, DOA type of games.
Well, horror is the genre that I do not like much when it comes to playing games. Even though I have played a couple of horror games like Resident Evil, Visage, Amnesia, and also enjoyed a few games, I do not usually play horror games. I always try try avoid this genre. I am not scared to play horror games, though
I really like cars, but I don't really like all games related to racing because they will never be as realistic as a real car and you will never feel the same feelings while playing the game. That's why they have cool graphics, but I don't like playing in them
I like to play different shooters. They are quite interesting and diverse. However, I don't like playing CS2 the most out of all shooters because there are very toxic players. They do not accept defeat and shout a lot at any player. Also, in addition to a bunch of bugs, this game is just terrible for me
Though horror games can be scary, but I have played a few before. The games I don't really like are board games. I am not good in this kind of games so I prefer not playing them at all. Puzzle games is also another one I try to avoid.
I've never really been able to get into battle royale games like Fortnite or Apex Legends. The high-stress, last-person-standing gameplay loop doesn't vibe with me. I also tend to bounce off overly punishing souls-like titles. I appreciate the challenge, but repeated controller-throwing frustration isn't my idea of fun.
I don't like playing war games. The idea of shooting bombing and all sort of violent attacks just don't sit well with me. So games like that are off my radar, I would rather play FIFA or PES.
Frankly speaking l really dislike the golf, table tennis and the badminton kind of games.
I haven't tried PUBG etc but I don't like these violence promoting games
I don't enjoy or like playing FPS games. The fast-paced action and constant shooting doesn't appeal to me. I prefer slower-paced and strategic games that require more thinking and decision-making. FPS games just don't hold my interest.
For me it's first person player games. Does games where you get to see only the hands. I find it hard to control such games.
These violent games are making the teenagers more violent and we are already seeing the worst happening to them and they are so addicted to these games
It also depends on the individual though, while growing up, I watched and played a few violent games but I pretty much grew up decent.
For me l mostly l dislike the games that would need to pay for playing games online.
For me l mostly l dislike the games that would need to pay for playing games online.
These kind of games can be annoying, or the type where you have to pay to unlock certain characters or certain game mood.
I don't like playing video games. I feel it's a waste of time. I wonder why people can afford to waste their precious time playing these games. It's better if you play some physical games, because that will help improve your health and keep your body fit.
For me l mostly l dislike the games that would need to pay for playing games online.
There are still many games that are free or websites that will provide free version of those paid game so you can try that