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Gaming What are the games you just don't enjoy or like?

There are still many games that are free or websites that will provide free version of those paid game so you can try that

Yes, one can find lots of free games available on internet. Also, there are games where you are paid for the levels you cross. I am searching for the same but I don't think they are not available in India.
I am not into games anymore, they always give me headaches because I do like to waste all my time on them so I really need to maintain distance from these
That's good. I also don't waste my time on them. You don't realise how much time you waste on them while playing the games.
I have wasted so much time already during my childhood and teens so I don't need to waste time
My son still wasted time on playing games, he likes playing them for fun but once he starts playing them he spend continuously so much of time that he have to ask him to stop playing them.
Kids do love to play games but thankfully I did stopped wasting time but even I was too late for that and was in college when I stopped
I also never played games and the major reason being I didn't have a smart phone in my childhood. We used to have mobile phones and there was only one game "snakes" available at that time and it was too boring to play.
I used to play games on that handheld device and then got myself a video game and even used to play with the help of video game parlours
I would love to buy a play station, but am not so sure when I will have enough extra cash to buy this.
I have plans to buy it too as I still have passion to play extreme level games but I guess it will cost so much that I better of not try it
Majority of the games I have played has been with emulators
I think its better of to play free games on mobile and many good games are free so no need to waste money
It's going to be impossible for someone to love and enjoy playing all kinds of video games. There are so many video games genre which some of them wouldn't be fun for one to play. I know some people who never like playing horror games as it freaks them out and makes them uncomfortable.

What are the games you just don't enjoy or like playing?
Yes you are right and I agree with your words and I am also a gamer but I do enjoy horror games also they scared me.
Like Resident evil too it was very hard and at the moment it scared me so I decides to quit the game
Yes you are right and I agree with your words and I am also a gamer but I do enjoy horror games also they scared me.
Like Resident evil too it was very hard and at the moment it scared me so I decides to quit the game
They could be something that reduces the stress because getting scared during game and then after that all stress of day is gone unlike people are thinking.