Discussion Hub

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  • Hey, Guest! The July Jamboree Contest has begun! Please be sure to check the rules as further changes have been made to keep the contest fair! Good luck! >>>>Read more about this contest here!

What time did you wake today?

I woke up at 4:30 am today and left home at 5:30 am for workplace. I hate waking up so early.
Its again 6 Am and I woke up tired, not sure why and I guess its not a good thing
Yesterday l was very much tired and due to that l slept very late. So l woke up at around 8:00am today morning
I guess since I have started to post online too and my screen time has increased that's why I do feel more tired and face issues in waking up
Today was a working day. But still I slept till 6:15 AM. My usual wake up time for weekdays is 5AM. I didn't want to miss my morning exercise. So, I left cooking for lunch and only cooked breakfast before leaving for work. I was back home my 12:15 as it was a short day at work and then cooked a quick lunch in time.
This day, I woke up at four in the morning and as usual, I swim in our private swimming pool after my 30 minutes jog, I plunged myself in tee cool swimming pool in our roof top.
Today again it was at 6 Am and again felt tired LOL, I really need to start doing some work on my body and shed some weight LOL

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