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What is the weather like today?

Spring has started early here; it's an extraordinary winter indeed.:)
We have had sunshine today and it has been warmer than it has been the last few days. It has turned chilly now though but I always expect that on a night.

Hoping the better weather sticks now as we move into March :)
It’s currently 68 degrees but it’ll better 84 degrees and cloudy later on today.
It has been quite cold today and we have had some rain, it has also been quite windy.

It's night now and you can feel how much colder it has gotten.
It’s been windy all day today. 24-30 mph winds and in the low 80’s all day.
The weather have been very hot today and I am finding it very difficult to cope because I hate it whenever the weather is hot like this. It makes it uncomfortable for me work as I always feel restless. I can't wait to get home so I am going to have a long cold bath for my body to calm down.
It is cloudy today and chilly.
Sun is trying to come out but not sure if we will get any sun today.
Today has been quite cold if I am honest and it's been somewhat dull as well. We are expecting a rise in temperatures tomorrow so looking forward to that.

Roll on spring!

Nice Day Love GIF by TikTok
It is a normal day here. Neither cold nor hot.

It was a bit cold during night, otherwise a perfect day in all sense.
Over here the weather is pretty hot and sunny. compared to the rain we had yesterday, today is the complete opposite. Though weather changes like this each day is pretty common here.
The weather is very strange for me, because today is already March 7, and it was -2 degrees outside, which is not very typical for my city, in my opinion, the spring will come much later this year
It’s hot and humid today. It’s 83 degrees, but it’ll drop to 62 degrees later on tonight.
Completely dark. The temperature's 7°C.
In the morning, the weather was gloomy. I felt cold so I wore a jacket and when I went for jogging. By the time I was back home, it looked like it would rain. It was almost noon when it started raining. It was fun to watch flowers dancing in the rain. I made Reels for Instagram and hopefully this one becomes hit. My last Reels was flop as it could not garner a lot of views.I think I have made really good video of raining.
It’s nasty out today. It’s going to rain all day and it’s 60 degrees outside, but it feels colder.
It's not been the greatest out today, we have had rain and it's been windy with a chill in the wind. I have heard things could start to look more like spring next week so I am hoping that is right.
Weather is hot and sunny today and its expecting to get even hotter.
The weather is crowdy in my location now and it looks like it is going to rain. I can’t confirm yet, but it seems that it is likely going to rain today though.
Weather is cooler today. Only 15C so I am feeling relaxed and it's expected to rain in the evening.
The weather today is hot as always. The weather app is telling me 35 degrees, but I think it is way past that. Maybe 40 to 45 degrees? Where will we be without Air conditioners?

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