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What is the weather like today?

The weather today is really windy and rainy.
The wind is making it quite cold.
We had a storm today, Storm Pia, it was very windy with gusts hitting 115mph in some places in the UK and we also had a lot of heavy rain.
The kind of storm we had today was very unbearable. It was so windy which made it very difficult for most people to leave their home. This year's Christmas is going to be something else.
The weather today was still quite windy but not as much rain as yesterday.
Hoping the wind has gone by tomorrow.
It's still quite windy in England at the moment and there is a chill in the wind which is not nice when you are out in it, the rain has stopped so I guess it's not too bad :)
The weather is bright here this morning. It's getting warm in the temperature that I enjoy so much. I don't like it too cold or too hot.
The weather haven't been good over here today. I have been surprised to see it rain for hours. This isn't the season for rain but rain still fall which isn't normal in any way. Climate change is constant changing how things used to be.
It's been somewhat cloudy and cold most of the day but we did see the sun make an appearance at one point which was nice.

Would much rather take Spring now but it seems the cold weather is coming for us.
Completely dark. The temperature's 6°C.
It's cloudy and cold this morning. The amount of work we are expected to do today requires the weather to be clear unless it will be difficult for us to do much.
It is cloudy today but it's not too cold at the moment, there is a chill in the wind but for the most part tolerable. I am just glad the rain is staying away :)
We are in the harmattan season and I must say that it is never easy coping with cold over here. I slept with just shorts on and never thought that the night was going to bring this type of cold along my way. So, waking in the night to notice how cold I was feeling really shaked me a bit.
The weather is very cool this morning. It's how I love the weather to be because cool weather makes it easier for me to get into things I need to do with ease. When the weather is hot, I become so restless and I won't be able to focus on the tasks I have at hand.
The weather have been very hot over here for the past two days. This morning's own is too much for me to bear. My whole body have been itching me for hours even after taking my bath twice. My air conditioning unit is faulty but I will have it repaired today before heat kills me.
We got a foot of snow yesterday but today is a bit better at least is it Sunny out but cold. About 31 F
Today we have had a mixed bag of rain, and sunshine and it has also been very humid. Temperatures in some places tomorrow are supposed to be Spring temperatures which is very unusual for February.
The weather wasn’t too bad today. The highest temperate was 65 degrees(f)and right now it’s 55(f) degrees.
Yesterday, it was gloomy, however, today it was sunny. Weather is getting warm and I am looking forward to warm weather because working in the cold weather is a problem, my hands and feet get cold. When weather is warm, I also do not have to wear a lot of cloth and I can easily work by wearing light.
Yesterday was like a spring day, it was warm and it felt nice to have a change in weather like that but unusual for February.

Today has still been a little warm but in true fashion for our country, we are now under rain warnings for tomorrow. It was nice whilst it lasted.