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What is the weather like today?

Up here in the mountains it is sunny and 12C (56F). I heard the Canada geese sqwaking overhead as they are flying back from their southern winter habitat.
It’s really hot here. We are in rainy season, but if rain does not fall for a few days we experience a lot of heat. I’m basically typing this while fanning myself rigorously.
It is still very cold at the moment and there is a winter chill in the wind. Not what I had in mind for April at all and I wish we had less rain too.

Hopefully the spring warmer weather comes back soon :)
It’s 82 degrees today, but
Feels like 85. It’ll cool down to 60 degrees later on though.
Even though it's sunny today but it's quite windy so the weather is quite comfortable
Temperature inside ny room is OK, but the summer weather outside is too hot. According to the weather department, the afternoon temperature was 27 degree Celsius. And this temperature will continue to rise until July when the rainy season begins.
Its raining since morning so I am really enjoying this fantastic weather
Today I have very cool weather and it is very warm outside, but the wind is strong so I don't want to be outside. But from the window of the house it is nice to observe it
It's so hot and humid today and the mercury is touching 42C so its tough to go outside and this is why I am preferring to stay inside and keeping myself safe from extensive heat
Very hot with a few heavy rain. Due to the rain they have not brought light for days now, it's pretty annoying anyways.
It is a cool morning here, which is a good thing because we've been experiencing warm weather in a past few weeks.
Seems like it will stay sunny and humid now and today the mercury is touching almost 42 and its so hot outside that you can get headache with this heat
We are supposed to be in raining season now. But we haven't seen much rain yet, and the weather is still very much hot. I wonder how much longer we have to endure.
It’s 88 degrees and feels like 96 degrees. It’s going to be a hot day today.
It's so hot and humid again with not even a single cloud in the sky. The mercury is touching 42C and its expected to stay like that at least till Friday or even next week
So far am not so sure, the weather reports says it would rain today, but most times they are not so accurate. The weather is abit chilled though, due to the heavy rain from yesterday.
It's hot here. The temperature was 42°C yesterday. We were sweating; even in the AC, we were feeling hot. The weather forecast says that heat will increase in the coming days. I wish people could save themselves in this weather.
It's hot here. The temperature was 42°C yesterday. We were sweating; even in the AC, we were feeling hot. The weather forecast says that heat will increase in the coming days. I wish people could save themselves in this weather.
We are experiencing the same thing in this part of the world too. Most people don't even go in until it is in the midnight, when they are sure that they are ready to sleep. The heat nowadays is just getting unbearable.
It is sunny and warm again today with a breeze which is making it feel a little more comfortable. The heat we get is a sticky humid heat which is not nice.
It's quite hot here and it's expected to stay like that and even get hotter in June and July

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