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Have you ever played a video game in another language?

Yes i did when i played free fire for the first time it's default choosed Chinese language and i don't understand what this is but it's fun for a while and the characters sound Heard funny and good at that moment it's a good and scary moment.
You could have left the game at Chinese. Who knows, it can be the drive that will make you learn Chinese!
Yes, that can be a drive to learn a new language. Sometimes, we don't take the first step on our own since we have not come across the language earlier. But if meet it accidentally on a gaming platform, it might fascinate us and encourage us to learn it.
Yes, that can be a drive to learn a new language. Sometimes, we don't take the first step on our own since we have not come across the language earlier. But if meet it accidentally on a gaming platform, it might fascinate us and encourage us to learn it.
Exactly, I could remember a friend of mine who learned Spanish because he has an online friend he play games with. He spurred him to learn the language I guess.
Exactly, I could remember a friend of mine who learned Spanish because he has an online friend he play games with. He spurred him to learn the language I guess.
See, he got an opportunity through online acquaintance to know of a new language. And he must have found it appealing to explore more about it and learn it. I never had plans to learn the languages that I know today. I came across friends and neighbours from different backgrounds and learnt them.
It is been awhile since I last played TEKKEN in my cousin's house. I can remember some of the characters speak a different language that I don't understand.

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