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Debate Afterlife

That's one question that's been intriguing for human race for generations. We don't know the right answer, but each one has a belief and the faith you follow says that. Scientifically, energy can't be destroyed. It gets transformed. I strongly believe that we are all energies in our soul. We will not cease to exist, maybe we will change our forms.
Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transferred. When our bodies die the energy in our bodies exits (is transferred) in the form of heat and warms the immediate air around the corpse by a fraction of a fraction of a degree. The same way that a bonfire warms the air but on an infinitesimal scale. This notion that "energy cannot be destroyed" (correct) is used by people clinging to the belief the sky fairies are going to save them from the oblivion of death (incorrect).
Taking into consideration I am an Orthodox Christian, we believe that we will be resurected by God where we will be judged by our deeds and thoughts. After that, depending on the judgement, we will either enter heaven or hell. Now, it is debatable what hell is. Some represent it as a torture that never ends, some people say that hell is the state of soul when soul is not shined by God's presence (as you are right now, while alive). Who knows what kind of darkness that is.
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