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Debate Afterlife

I live my life being kind to others, not just humans but to all animals. I respect my body and respect all life, not because I want to be rewarded when I die, but because it is the right way to live. Do I believe in the afterlife? I do not, however IF there is an afterlife, I am proud of all choices I've made in my life and will welcome to see friends and family and ALL pets I've ever had. ❤️
The Man Reaction GIF by ION Mystery
What do you believe happens after you die? Reincarnation? Heaven/Hell? ..or nothing?

There have been debates on what is what and what many people think. However, I believe that after death comes judgement for everything that has happened in your lifetime. I am a Christian and that is the stand that I have about what life is all about. This is why we should aim to be good in life.
What do you believe happens after you die? Reincarnation? Heaven/Hell? ..or nothing?
Sometimes I think we might be in hell right now. The majority of people on earth are suffering and the definition of hell is perpetual suffering so by that logic I pray we don’t reincarnate although my dream stated we do until we no longer have morbid curiosity. One theory that I’ve been focusing on lately is the idea we are in a simulation. But what is a simulation? A fake reality where those in it are deceived to believe it’s real? What if we were to “Wake up” and realize we’re in a simulation? Would it then, no longer, be a simulation and we just “go home”?
I'm an atheist and I believe in nothing. Why do arrogant humans believe that they are somehow special by virtue of the fact that they have a large cranium? We die and go nowhere just like a bug, a fish, or an animal. This life is all there is. Sorry gang, but a God is something that has been invented in order to control the masses.
I'm an atheist and I believe in nothing. Why do arrogant humans believe that they are somehow special by virtue of the fact that they have a large cranium? We die and go nowhere just like a bug, a fish, or an animal. This life is all there is. Sorry gang, but a God is something that has been invented in order to control the masses.
Agreed. Religion wasn't "discovered". It didn't already exist. It was created by man.
In our society, it is said that a soul goes to heaven or hell after death, according to his or her karma, and then takes birth again. I know many religions don't believe in it. But I don't know what actually happens after death.
I definitely don't believe in that. However, though, people do reap a karma on in this life. In other words, what you do has consequences.
Religion in my view is backwards superstition. A belief in essentially nothing. An invisible, silent God that somehow cares. He is there but can't ever be seen or heard. Total nonsense, but try and tell them that and they will kill you, or in the past burn you at the stake.
You are my spirit animal in this. Delusional fools put their faith in a god who doesn't exist in the hope that they will no longer suffer after a life of suffering. I find the better option is to make the most of the one life you get.
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