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  1. Prerna

    Midnight snacks

    I usually have the dinner around 9.30 or 10 Pm and then there is no reason for a midnight snack. So I am not guilty of it.
  2. Prerna

    How often do you normally eat out?

    Not too often do I like to eat outside. Probably 1-2 times a month only to give mom and sister break from cooking.
  3. Prerna

    Your favorite kind of restaurant?

    I don't have any such choice and don't mind any restaurant but the food should be tasty and should be presented neatly.
  4. Prerna

    What was your favorite food as a kid?

    Suji halwa was my favorite during my childhood days. These days I have reduced consuming sweets so I don't have it often.
  5. Prerna

    The keto diet involves eating few carbohydrates (carbs), moderate protein, and higher amounts of fats and oils. Would you enjoy this kind of diet?

    I don't believe in dieting. I like to eat fresh and tasty food and because I am already thin I don't easily put on weight.
  6. Prerna

    Have you ever fasted? What is the longest you have ever gone without eating?

    3 days without food can hurt your body. How are you able to stick with fasting for long period?
  7. Prerna

    Have you heard of diet pills? Is it possible to lose weight by taking a pill?

    It's not natural so it's not recommended. You should put on or loose weight only through natural ways.
  8. Prerna

    Some people diet to put on weight or muscle. Is it more difficult to put on weight or lose weight?

    Putting weight is difficult for me. No matter what diet I take, I don't put on any weight.
  9. Prerna

    Have you ever been on a diet? If so, what was the goal of the diet?

    I am already thin so if I do diet then I will be invisible in a few months. 😂
  10. Prerna

    Are you or anyone you know allergic to any food? What happens if they eat that food accidentally?

    Never know anyone can be allergic to mushrooms but allergies are like this and you never know what is allergic to other person.
  11. Prerna

    How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel? Can food be delicious if it looks terrible?

    I don't like food that does not look good. That's why my mom and my sister makes sure to make tasty food and make sure it looks good also.
  12. Prerna

    My favorite Sunday Food

    On Sundays we as a family likes to have Poha and we add all the veggies in the poha. For lunch we mostly prepare pakoras which are fritters made of Onions, Potatoes, Green chillies.
  13. Prerna

    Have You Ever Tried Preparing Sweets At Home?

    My sister is good at sweets and she has prepared Jalebi, Kalakand, Rasgulla all at home by learning from YouTube.
  14. Prerna

    Does Eating Bland food help in curing our stomach issues?

    I would say yes because this is why doctors recommend to eat porridge when you are sick.
  15. Prerna

    Is your country famous for any foods? What are they?

    Aloo prantha, Chicken biryani, Veg biryani, Paneer butter masala are some of the popular dishes of my country.
  16. Prerna

    Who usually does the food shopping in your household? Where do they prefer to shop?

    My dad does all the shopping from veggies to groceries. Sometimes mom goes along with him but primarily dad is responsible for all shopping.
  17. Prerna

    Who is the best cook in your family? What foods do they prepare well?

    My elder sister my best chef/ cook. She is very good at cooking, painting and everything she does. Everything she prepares taste like magic.
  18. Prerna

    What did you last eat/drink?

    I just ate maggie noodles and that was my evening snack. Dinner will be served after 9 Pm which is our usual dinner time.
  19. Prerna

    Hello I am Prerna

    Thanks Sanjeev I will.
  20. Prerna

    Can anyone tell how to live a simple life?

    It's impossible to spend a simple life because a simple life will be without any luxuries because it's these luxuries that don't let you enjoy a simple life.