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Debate Once a cheater always a cheater?

Cheating is a deal breaker for me. I don't like cheating and I won't be happy if my partner cheats on me. I found it so disrespectful and I can't continue with the person.
The phrase "once a cheater, always a cheater" implies that someone who has previously cheated is likely to cheat again in the future.

But that's not essential sometimes people learn when they see their relationships getting effected by their this nature. They try to improve themselves.
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We can say this about Australian cricket team too, they have always cheated and wanted to win at any cost
I staringly agree which is why, it is not advisable to give a cheater a second chance. it is not on his mind to change . It is part of his brain.
Although its not bad to give them another chance but I have mostly seen them cheating again
It's hard to believe in people who have cheated you in the past. But I think differently, as I always give them another chance and remain cautious. I know sometimes people don't know what they did and learn from their mistakes.

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