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Do you watch a new movie everyday?



Feb 28, 2024
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I only watch movies or tv shows when I see something that gets me hyped, or if im really bored. Sometimes everyday.

How about you?
I'm a bit too busy to be able to watch a movie everyday. But we do manage to watch about 2 movies a week.
I try to see a movie once every week. I have really grown and priorities are changing. I remember when I used to watch a movie every other day. I had little to worry about. But now, I do only one movie a week.
No, I don't watch a new movie every day. While I do enjoy watching films, I find that I prefer to savor them rather than binge-watching. I usually watch 2-3 movies per week, making time to fully immerse myself in the storytelling and characters. I find this pace allows me to better appreciate the nuances and artistry of each cinematic experience.
Nope, haven't got the time for that. As a matter of fact, I can watch one movie for like 5 days, because I have to work, and when I get back I'm usually too tired to even turn on the TV.
I watch a lot of movies, and am not really the type that likes rewatching a movie I had watch before. So I usually download different movies and series from time to time so whenever I want to watch a movie is always a new one.
I don't share movies everywhere, but when I want to watch a movie, I always look for something very cool and exciting to relax. I prefer modern films, but sometimes I watch quite old ones
New series everyday? Nope, it takes me weeks to finish one movie, not to even talk of series in a day!
No, I don't watch movies everyday. It's very frequent I watch a movie on TV
New series everyday? Nope, it takes me weeks to finish one movie, not to even talk of series in a day!
Lol for me it depends on my schedule, and if there is enough electrical power. There are days when I could watch multiple movies in one day. Then there are times where it takes days just to finish a single movie.
Lol for me it depends on my schedule, and if there is enough electrical power. There are days when I could watch multiple movies in one day. Then there are times where it takes days just to finish a single movie.
I guess it depends on how occupied one is at that particular time.
I guess it depends on how occupied one is at that particular time.
Exactly, like there was a time where it took me days just to complete a single movie due to how busy i was that period.
I do like to watch movies and mostly watch on weekends because I am following a couple of tv shows so weekdays are filled with these tv shows
I do like to watch movies and mostly watch on weekends because I am following a couple of tv shows so weekdays are filled with these tv shows
I'm guessing you don't have time to watch movies on the weekdays? That's understandable, weekdays are busy days.
I rarely watch movies, for now at least. That is the least on my agenda right now as I'm busy with a lot of things.
No matter how busy I am, I always make time for movies. They are like my lifeline that keeps me going when am stressed and even when I have so much to do.
I rarely watch movies, for now at least. That is the least on my agenda right now as I'm busy with a lot of things.
I guess that is the price we have to pay for being adults. When I was a kid I could watch movies carefree because there was no responsibility.
Yes I remember back then I could spend the whole night watching movies, but right now am even scared to try it cause I know if I do, I would be too tired during the day, and once am too tired, i won't be able to work. And if I don't work I won't make money.
I do like watching movies but I don't watch them everyday.

I will occasionally have a movie marathon when I'm in the mood. I'm thinking about having a movie marathon with the Harry Potter movies but I think I'll have to talk my hubby into it. I want to watch the movies with him but I have to make sure that he doesn't have any shows on at the moment.