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Do you remember the mobile numbers of your loved ones and friends?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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There are various situations in life and you need to call someone from your family, but not from your own phone, but from someone else's, and then you need to know the number. Do you memorize mobile numbers or do you have any other methods of contacting relatives if you don't have your own smartphone nearby?

I used to as a kid, I used to be really good with numbers and stuff

brain's not so good now, and I can barely remember what I ate last night.

I remember one number, but it's a number of someone who used to own a phone. now that number is not on the system

I used to as a kid, I used to be really good with numbers and stuff

brain's not so good now, and I can barely remember what I ate last night.

I remember one number, but it's a number of someone who used to own a phone. now that number is not on the system
And you don't have a hard time with this because I had the opposite when I was a child, I didn't remember numbers, but I didn't need to, now I can't know what will happen to me and I know more than 10 numbers by heart to call someone
I can remember mobile number of my sister, who got the first mobile phone in the family, I also remember my father's mobile number, I remember my spouse's mobile number. Apart form these numbers, I do not remember any mobile numbers, not even my closest friend's number. I do not even try to remember mobile numbers.
I only know a few, even my second number, I am yet to even learn it. Not to mention knowing the numbers of others. Though it's very important to know them just in case of an emergency.
I know mom's primary number. I also know that of my dad. The only other number I have memorized is my girlfriend's number and her mum's own. I think that these are the only numbers I can call for emergency situations. Obviously, I have memorized one of my numbers too.
No, I don’t remember the numbers of my friends and family members. I can only remember my phone number. I used to memerize everyone’s numbers prior to getting an iPhone though.
I don't have that many people in my life so it's quite an easy thing to do to remember those few numbers.
It is always a good idea to keep a card of loved ones' phone numbers in your wallet for both memory and emergencies. It is great to have the numbers memorized in case you need to call from someone else's phone, but it is even better if someone else can also call them if you and your phone are unable to perform the action.
It is only my mother's mobile number that I can remember. I can't even remember my own mobile number which is why I don't have the time to cram and remember another person's number. If I need to call anyone of because of emergency, it is going to be my mother.
l only remember the numbers for the very close people to me like my wife, blood brothers and sisters.
As much as I would love to be able to remember the numbers of those I may need to call in an emergency, I have the memory of a fish and being able to remember them all would be impossible. I guess that is why I end up making sure I always have my mobile phone on me at all times.
As much as I would love to be able to remember the numbers of those I may need to call in an emergency, I have the memory of a fish and being able to remember them all would be impossible. I guess that is why I end up making sure I always have my mobile phone on me at all times.
This is not the best situation, because my sister also had such cases when she still used her smartphone at home and when she had problems with paying on the bus, she could not even call anyone because she did not know the number and she was fined for not paying for the ticket in the app
This is not the best situation, because my sister also had such cases when she still used her smartphone at home and when she had problems with paying on the bus, she could not even call anyone because she did not know the number and she was fined for not paying for the ticket in the app
I agree, this is a bad situation to be in. Luckily where I live, if there are issues, bus drivers tend to let you on without issue, they are pretty good at that which is awesome.

Not so ideal in other emergencies though, I will admit.
Well, I try as much as I can to memorise the phone numbers of my loved ones. I mean my sisters and brother. I have only one blood brother and he has been there for me.

So, having his number off hand is very important for me as it helps me reach out to him whenever I have any challenges that I am facing and my phone is switched off.
I have had situations where I need to call a family member desperately for help and my phone is either off or something just happened and it is inaccessible. I can easily borrow someone's phone and place the calls because I have memorized the numbers I want to call.
Unforeseen situations and occurrences may arise when you need to contact a close friend or family member so having or remembering their contact details will go a long way to help. Personally I remember the contact details of my loved ones off hand and can call it out at anytime without having my mobile phone with me.
I remember mobile numbers of my loved ones. However, it was not easy to remember all those numbers. That's because I am very ba a memorzing numbers. This is the reaan why I don't do good wih funances. :D
I do remember the phone numbers of my family members and some of my friends. The good thing with having their phone numbers is that I can easily reach them on a different device when I have the need to do so without having to use my phone. I consider having these numbers as a priority.
Some of them yes. Some numbers are hard to remember. I try to type them when possible so that I remember it.