Discussion Hub

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Search results

  1. alihunyar

    Politeness around the world?

    It all comes down to how parents raised their children to be polite. In actuality, parents don't really contribute much to their children's upbringing. This explains why it appears that our age lacks empathy and politeness.
  2. alihunyar

    Do you like to walk around the supermarket for a long time even if you don't need to buy anything anymore?

    Honestly, that is how some supermarkets feel. They prefer to always have a sufficiently full floor. primarily because it conveys the impression that it is a bustling, in-demand firm. I go to the grocery store solely to buy the items on my shopping list, but occasionally I get lost wandering the...
  3. alihunyar

    When was the last time you travelled and where to?

    My last trip was in October of last year, when I went home with my family to celebrate a few holidays. I don't go home very often because it's 2050 kilometers away from where I live. Though I make an effort to go at least twice a year.
  4. alihunyar

    Last Live Sporting Event you went to?

    My lack of patience and time makes me dislike watching any sport "live." The last time I attended an athletic event in Delhi in the 1990s, we went to see the great athlete Carl Lewis, who sadly did not show up. Currently seeing an IPL cricket match on television. Even if I have the option to see...
  5. alihunyar

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    The last time I went to the movies, Barbie was playing, and I thought the movie was great because I grew up seeing a lot of these cartoons and having a lot of dolls.
  6. alihunyar

    What's the funniest thing your pet has done?

    Although I don't have a pet, the cutest thing my neighbor's pet has ever done is constantly visit our compound to take food and drink that may be available.
  7. alihunyar

    What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?

    I rarely get time for myself, so I'm using it to rest. I'm constantly working on something; when I'm not working on a project at church or a design for a client, I'm working online. When I'm not working online, I'm searching for something or learning a new skill. Most of the time, a whole day is...
  8. alihunyar

    What are your preferred drills?

    My favorite exercises to perform when working out at home or in the gym are crunches and planks. I lift weights as well, but my abs are the area of my physique I pay the most attention to.
  9. alihunyar

    Can England do better in the Euros?

    Absolutely, if England makes the most of their deep and strong roster, they will improve at the Euros. Focusing on tactical flexibility and adjusting to the opposition will be crucial. If they can maintain team spirit and resiliency in the face of adversity, they can also navigate the knockout...
  10. alihunyar

    which one is PUBG mobile or Call Of Duty mobile

    I used to play freefire, but I'm not very good at it, and I stopped since it was using up all of my data. Regarding Call of Duty, I haven't really played it.