Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. V

    Do you use social media?

    I use basically all the social media platforms that are available. Except maybe threads, never registered on that one.
  2. V

    Debate Has tipping gotten out of hand in the US?

    I do like to tip, wether those people deserve it or not. It is just a way of giving to the society.
  3. V

    Do you wish to settle in rural place?

    Nah, I'm good. Rural life is simply not for me. I'll keep grinding in the city.
  4. V

    Do you make enough money?

    I have not gotten to the stage where I can say that I make enough money. Still grinding everyday, hopefully the day will come when I can say that I make enough money.
  5. V

    What's your favorite book and why did you love it?

    Rich dad poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki is the best book I have ever read. I still have it for decades now and it has taught me a lot about financial freedom.
  6. V

    Can Dortmund pull a surprise in the final?

    Can they? It will be nice if they pull such a surprise. I have noticed that real Madrid have more haters than they think. It seems there are a lot of people who don't want them to clinch their 15th UCL title!
  7. V

    How many kids do you want?

    4 kids will not be bad for me. My parents had 7 kids, but I'm not getting to those numbers, lol.
  8. V

    Have you ever bought clothes online and what was your experience?

    I rarely order clothes online, I can order other things, but definitely not clothes. I have suffered way too much from those online vendors, with their crappy deliveries. 😩
  9. V

    Debate Are fast food attempts at a deal too small?

    To be honest, I feel guilty of eating fast foods and junks every now and then. I have to do that because most times I'm too busy to cook at home.
  10. V

    How did you earn your first dollar online?

    I earned my first online dollars when I helped someone to complete some social media tasks. I received it with crypto (USDT), and that marks my online earning journey.
  11. V

    Do you watch a new movie everyday?

    I rarely watch movies, for now at least. That is the least on my agenda right now as I'm busy with a lot of things.
  12. V

    Movies Do you always sleep off watching movies at night?

    I tend to sleep off whenever I watch movies at night. But it doesn't happen when I sleep in the afternoon, because by then it will be late before I fall asleep.