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Do you make enough money?

Capital NO, I don't make enough to get by. I wish I can make more.
I earn as much as possible in order not to die of hunger there, not to die of cold. In fact, it still leaves a lot to be desired, but it is a comfortable life and I do not suffer from a lack of funds, because you should be happy for what you have
I have not gotten to the stage where I can say that I make enough money. Still grinding everyday, hopefully the day will come when I can say that I make enough money.
I do not earn much, I have limited income and I am trying to earn better. But sadly I cannot earn more than what I am earning these days. That's because I do not have professional skills and knowledge to get a better paying job.
You can upgrade your skills to earn more. @indira and this is what everyone does. In a cooperative world, we have to enhance our skills to survive; otherwise, we may be replaced by someone else. That's how it happens everywhere.
I do not earn much, I have limited income and I am trying to earn better. But sadly I cannot earn more than what I am earning these days. That's because I do not have professional skills and knowledge to get a better paying job.
That happens to many people. But what is important is that you don't stay stagnant, keep upgrading yourself and connect with people of great goals and vision. You will get there one day.
Capital NO, I don't make enough to get by. I wish I can make more.
The worse part about this whole thing is that more expenses keeps popping up time after time. So the more you make, the more you need to sort out.
I make a decent living and can get by, but do I feel like I make enough money? Absolutely not! I could always use more. I don't have enough savings to quit my job and retire comfortably. Until I reach that point, I won't feel like I have enough money.
@Stan most of the people in the world feel what you feel and in order to place ourself in a comfortable situation we need to do something and that's where we need to upgrade our skills and knowledge to earn better to invest/save more money for the future.
I make a decent living and can get by, but do I feel like I make enough money? Absolutely not! I could always use more. I don't have enough savings to quit my job and retire comfortably. Until I reach that point, I won't feel like I have enough money.
Everyone shares your opinion. Even the richest out there are no ready to quit their job and retire comfortably.
The more we make money, the more we want to make more, cause the truth of the matter is there will always be a change in the standard of living, there would be more expenses to sort out as well.
Exactly, once we start making more money , our cost of living changes with it and then we can't survive with less income.
Exactly, once we start making more money , our cost of living changes with it and then we can't survive with less income.
This reminds me of what a teacher of mine once said. If we pray to have more money, then we should also be prepared to take on more expenses. The higher your income, the higher your expenditures.
That's just how it is naturally, the higher your income the more the expenses. This is why I don't blame most rich people when they say they don't ha love, but people won't believe them.
I absolutely make enough. I do not have children, if I dont need it, I dont buy it and I live within my means. I eat my breakfast and dinner at home and bring my lunch to work. We do eat out on weekends but don't go to super expensive restaurants. As I receive raises, I continue to live the same way without making expensive purchases and put that extra money towards my savings. It took time for me to get my finances in order, but by making smart decisions I was able to pay off all my credit cards and live comfortably but within my means.
I absolutely make enough. I do not have children, if I dont need it, I dont buy it and I live within my means. I eat my breakfast and dinner at home and bring my lunch to work. We do eat out on weekends but don't go to super expensive restaurants. As I receive raises, I continue to live the same way without making expensive purchases and put that extra money towards my savings. It took time for me to get my finances in order, but by making smart decisions I was able to pay off all my credit cards and live comfortably but within my means.
Nice one, making smart decisions and the ability to manage what you have plays a major role.
I absolutely make enough. I do not have children, if I dont need it, I dont buy it and I live within my means. I eat my breakfast and dinner at home and bring my lunch to work. We do eat out on weekends but don't go to super expensive restaurants. As I receive raises, I continue to live the same way without making expensive purchases and put that extra money towards my savings. It took time for me to get my finances in order, but by making smart decisions I was able to pay off all my credit cards and live comfortably but within my means.

Most of the people can't figure out where they have to save money. Purchasing things on credit is like a trap and when people are trapped in it , they never get out of it and wise people don't do that. They buy things if they have cash available with them.
That's one reason I tend to avoid anything credit or even a loan. I would rather wait till I have the capital to buy it myself rather than get it on credit.
That's one reason I tend to avoid anything credit or even a loan. I would rather wait till I have the capital to buy it myself rather than get it on credit.
I made that vow too, because I went through a lot in the hands of creditors. Now thankfully I'm out of debt and I don't pray to ever go back
Yes if you are disciplined and you are able to manage yourself, then I think you will be able to live without having to borrow.