Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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Search results

  1. freelancermaria

    Which horror movie scared you the most?

    As a horror enthusiast, I find myself captivated by the scary movies that keep me at the edge of my seat. I have watched a number of horror movies alone, and some of my all-time favorite films in the genre include The Ring, Gonjiam The Haunted Asylum, The Blairwitch Project, Shutter, The...
  2. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy bowling?

    I see. Hopefully, you can go in your spare time. :) It is fun, and it can help you forget your problems for a while. :)
  3. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy playing badminton?

    During my younger years, when I was still living with my parents, I used to engage in badminton games with my college friends. It was one of my go-to activities to alleviate stress and tension. Besides being a fun sport to play, badminton offers many benefits to one's physical and mental...
  4. freelancermaria

    Gaming Last game you played?

    I played for half an hour last night, and the last game I played was The Sims on my game console. The graphics were not superb, though, but I found them fine. It still helps me pass the time and forget my problems for a while. Later, I will continue playing before buying some fruits and vegetables.
  5. freelancermaria

    Do you think AI will replace humans?

    The debate of whether AI will replace humans in jobs is an intricate one. While AI has been making significant strides in many different industries, there are still many tasks that require the uniquely human qualities of intelligence, creativity, and emotions. However, there are also many tasks...
  6. freelancermaria

    How many computers do you have in your family and how many do you have personally?

    During my childhood, we had only one personal computer at home that all members of the family had to share for various purposes. Eventually, when my dad's financial condition improved, he decided to buy some laptops for my sister and me to use for our education. However, after graduating from...
  7. freelancermaria

    How many hours do you spend on TikTok a week?

    I am a huge fan of TikTok, it is one of my go-to social media platforms. I usually spend an hour or more on it, especially on the weekends. However, I have noticed that this week I have spent only two hours on it. I have decided that I need to cut back on my TikTok usage so that I can devote...
  8. freelancermaria

    Are you a dark-mode fan or a light-mode fan?

    I have been an advocate of dark mode ever since it was introduced. It is not only easier on the eyes and more readable, especially in low-light situations, but it also consumes less power, which is ideal when I am without my power bank.
  9. freelancermaria

    Hello, I am new here!

    Thank you, Sevik. I appreciate it. :) Have a good day/night to you
  10. freelancermaria

    Movies Do you prefer watching movies in theatres or at home?

    Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, one of my favorite pastimes was to visit the movie theater. It provided me with a much-needed escape from the stresses of daily life. However, since the pandemic hit, my perspective on spending and saving has changed. I have come to appreciate the importance of...
  11. freelancermaria

    Do you know how to cook your own food?

    After I moved out of my parent's house, I took it upon myself to master the art of cooking local dishes. Despite my passion for cooking, I still consider myself a novice in the kitchen, as there is always room for improvement, and there are many culinary techniques and recipes that I have yet to...
  12. freelancermaria

    Gaming PC Gaming vs Console

    I find game consoles to be a more user-friendly option compared to PCs. As a matter of fact, I received a game console as a gift last Christmas, and it has become my go-to device for gaming. It features some of the most popular classic games from the 90s, such as Super Mario, Pokemon, and Crash...
  13. freelancermaria

    Do you enjoy bowling?

    During my college years, we were required to take a physical education course that included bowling. Initially, I was apprehensive about it since I had never played before and was afraid of failing the subject. To make matters worse, some of my classmates were experienced bowlers, which only...
  14. freelancermaria

    Which is your favorite type of exercise?

    To be honest, I am unable to engage in strenuous exercises on a daily basis due to health reasons. As such, I usually opt for endurance exercises like brisk walking. These types of exercises are known to be beneficial for the circulatory system and heart, and they can even lower the risk of...
  15. freelancermaria

    Which is your favorite social media platform?

    I see. A few months ago, I decided to deactivate my Facebook account because of the negativity of other people. I did not want to expose myself to that kind of toxicity and risk my mental well-being. Back when I still had an active Facebook account, I enjoyed scrolling through memes. They were a...
  16. freelancermaria

    Do you prefer Homemade or Restaurant food?

    I have a personal liking for both types of meals, but when it comes to saving money, I prefer home-cooked meals. Preparing home-cooked meals has become an integral part of my daily routine, as it not only helps me save money but also provides me with the assurance of knowing the exact...
  17. freelancermaria

    How many cups of tea do you drink daily?

    Tea has always been my go-to beverage, especially green tea, matcha green tea, and black tea. I absolutely love it and can't imagine a day without it. My affinity for tea is such that I can easily consume more than 5 cups of it daily. But it is not just a normal habit, it is a good one! Tea is...
  18. freelancermaria

    Most used social media

    I use TikTok more than any other social media site. It is a great platform for learning new things daily, and I find myself using it daily. I have deactivated my Facebook account because I found it to be a source of negativity and toxicity that was affecting my mental health. I have not used it...
  19. freelancermaria

    Which is your favorite social media platform?

    I have two favorite social media platforms; Instagram and TikTok. I find both platforms fun to use, but TikTok is my ultimate favorite. I usually spend around 30 minutes to an hour using TikTok, and I enjoy watching informative and humorous videos. I am worried about the possibility of TikTok...
  20. freelancermaria

    TV Database Suits (2011)

    I absolutely love the TV series, Suits! It has been one of my favorites for a long time now. The show is particularly special for me because I have always been interested in pursuing a law degree. Although I have completed a college degree that is a pre-requisite for law, unfortunately, I was...