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Which horror movie scared you the most?



Oct 30, 2023
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The Exorcist still haunts my dreams with its eerie atmosphere and spine-chilling moments. Nightmare in the Elm Street, Grudge, The Ring, The Shinning are some of the scariest movies I have ever seen. What about you? Any horror films that gave you nightmares? Do you enjoy watching horror movies, when do you normally watch horror movies? Do you watch them at home or go to the theaters to watch?
I haven't watched many horror movies because I'm sure my heart just couldn't take it, so the scariest thing I watched was The Purge. It was hard for me to fall asleep after that, but I didn't have any nightmares, but I promised not to watch anything like that again
Hereditary is one movie that messed me up for weeks. It made me too conscious of an inevitable doom that awaits us. Toni Collette kept it so real and it almost appeared real to me. Even when walking on the road in the afternoon, the memory made me to be always looking up at attic stars.
As a horror enthusiast, I find myself captivated by the scary movies that keep me at the edge of my seat. I have watched a number of horror movies alone, and some of my all-time favorite films in the genre include The Ring, Gonjiam The Haunted Asylum, The Blairwitch Project, Shutter, The Conjuring, and The Exorcist. The suspense and thrill that these movies offer are great.
The Freddy Kruger movies are probably the ones that scare me the most. It's quite insane how some movies just seem insanely terrifying.
The horror film that left the most indelible mark on me was "The Conjuring." The skillful blending of supernatural elements, unsettling atmosphere, and impactful performances created a chilling viewing experience that lingered with me long after the credits rolled. The sense of dread and the unpredictable nature of the paranormal events depicted in the film struck a deep chord, making it my most memorably frightening cinematic encounter.
For me, the scariest horror movie I have ever watched is "The Exorcist". The film is so disturbing and intense, and it leaves a lasting impression on me, both positively and negatively. The performances from the actors are incredible, and they really bring the story to life. I could remember not sleeping peacefully for days after watching it!
There was one I watched years back, I was still pretty young so I can't really remember the name again, the movie was scary though. The exorcist on the other hand, I have heard much about it but have not really played it.
I can watch thrillers, but I don't really like horror movies because the energy there is a bit different. However, I watched the movie Mom and it was scary for me and I'm glad that I wasn't alone then because I probably wouldn't have been able to fall asleep

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