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  1. Ja sa bong

    Can I still build muscle on a vegetarian or vegan diet?

    No matter the kind of diet you are on, it is still advisable for you to be involved in working out routine from time to time because there is always a workout session that will be convenient for you irrespective of the diet you are consuming so that you can build muscles and also keep yourself...
  2. Ja sa bong

    How can I prevent muscle soreness after a workout?

    I learnt that Cristiano Ronaldo usually get into ice bathing after his working out routine and also after playing football. This is because the activity helps to calm and relax his muscle from being stressed out after working out and also playing football. This prevents him from being injured...
  3. Ja sa bong

    How do I prevent and treat tennis elbow?

    It is very important for you not to overdo whatever you are doing whenever you are involved in any kind of sports because that is what will get you injured. We are human beings and not robot which means that whenever we overdo things, there are consequences that come from it. Whenever you are...
  4. Ja sa bong

    Is it better to focus on cardio or strength training for weight loss?

    What you are going to achieve if you are involved in strength training is being strong because you will be developing muscles at strategic parts in your body but if you are interested in losing weights, it is better for you to be involved in more of cardio exercise because that is what helps you...
  5. Ja sa bong

    Can yoga help with weight loss?

    I am sure that it is possible for you to achieve weight loss when you are practicing yoga. The most important thing is for you to know exactly what you are doing when you are practicing yoga exercise because it is very efficient and effective when it comes to helping you to lose weight and even...
  6. Ja sa bong

    How can I stay motivated to a regular workouts?

    It is very important for you to have a goal that you are intending to achieve through your working out routine. It is what is going to be your motivation to continue doing that until you have achieved your goal. If you are being discouraged, it is better for you to find a working out partner who...
  7. Ja sa bong

    What are the benefits of high-intensity interval training

    I don't participate in any kind of high intensity workout session because it is not what my body is meant for. I believe it is a kind of workout routine that mostly professionals are into as it is going to help them adapt to the sports they are partaking in. I engage in normal workout routine...
  8. Ja sa bong

    What are the benefits of swimming?

    Swimming is one of my favourite out door activities and it's a very good workout exercise because it works on your complete body whenever you are swimming. I used to make out time to go for a swim at least once or twice every week because my body have already adapted to it because I started...
  9. Ja sa bong

    What are the benefits of strength training?

    Whenever you are involved in strength training, it is very important for you to make sure that you are not overdoing it because it is a kind of exercise that will get you hurt when you put too much pressure on your body. It is why most people who are working out at the gym have instructors who...
  10. Ja sa bong

    What's the best way to warm up before exercise

    Jogging and stretching is one of the best ways that I usually get myself involved in warming up before I get into the actual drills I have to do when I am working out in the gym or even working at that home. It is best for me to do both of them so that my body will be in a perfect condition to...
  11. Ja sa bong

    Do you use meditation in your fitness routine?

    I have tried using meditation when I am working out but it is not something my body is used to which is why I no longer including meditation in my working out routine. I engage in more of activity based drills whatever I am working out because it is what is perfect for my body and I have adapted...
  12. Ja sa bong

    How does sleep impact fitness and exercise performance?

    It is not only in working out and fitness performance exercise that sleeping impacts on but on your general health. If you are not sleeping very well, your health will be compromised in a very bad way that even if you try work out, you will be experiencing some difficulties and probably pass out...
  13. Ja sa bong

    Can you manage stress with physical activities?

    I know that our body composition is different which is why when it comes to the kind of exercise you are going to be taking on, it is best for you to engage in what your body can adapt to and make sure that you are not overdoing it because it is the only way you can be able to use working out...
  14. Ja sa bong

    How can you improve your running endurance?

    In any kind of working out session you are involved with and the drills you are taking on every day as well as how consistent you are with those working out drills that is going to make your body to become very used to it. You will longer being stressed out too much whenever you are engaged in...
  15. Ja sa bong

    What role does hydration play in exercise performance?

    If you are not well hydrated whenever you are working out, it is going to result into something very serious that you might need medical attention to take care of it. When you are working out, your body is losing fluid because you will be sweating which is why it is important for you to drink...
  16. Ja sa bong

    How can I prevent and treat common workout injuries?

    The best way which you can prevent work out injuries is to make sure that you are not putting too much pressure on yourself whenever you're working out. Engage in workout training drills that are safer for your body to endure and also take a break as frequent as possible. It is the way I know...
  17. Ja sa bong

    Outdoor exercise vs indoor exercise

    The weather condition is what is going to determine if I would be willing to be involved in outdoor workout activities because if the weather is not friendly, I will prefer working out in door because it is safer for me to do that than being outside when the weather will likely cause me more...
  18. Ja sa bong

    Can Strength training help old people?

    I am very sure that strength training is something that will be beneficial for both old people and younger people because everyone needs to be involved in any kind of working out activity so that their body will always adapt to whatever day facing in any stage in their life. e Everyone who is...
  19. Ja sa bong

    Listening to music while exercising

    Listening to music whenever I am working out is a constant because there is no way I am going to be working out without listening to music. It is going to become a very boring workout session if I am not playing music. Even if you go to the gym, they are always playing music when people are...
  20. Ja sa bong

    How to Remain Active in Winter

    The most important thing during any kind of season is for you to engage in activities that is convenient for you to be involved in because it is not a must that you will do what other people are doing. Find a workout session that is convenient for your body to adapt during any season and focus...