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How do I prevent and treat tennis elbow?



Oct 30, 2023
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If you play a lot of games, you might have experienced tennis elbow. If you have tennis elbow, strengthen the muscles of the forearm and shoulder, use proper technique when playing sports or lifting weights, and avoid repetitive movements that strain the elbow. If you develop tennis elbow, rest, ice, and elevate the affected arm, and consider wearing a brace or seeking physical therapy for additional support and rehabilitation.
I had such problems, but when I played basketball, because there you also have to work a lot with your hands and your shoulders got very tired. For me, the best solution was ice and good sleep and not using that hand outside of the game
It is very important for you not to overdo whatever you are doing whenever you are involved in any kind of sports because that is what will get you injured. We are human beings and not robot which means that whenever we overdo things, there are consequences that come from it. Whenever you are injured, it is better for you to go for proper medical check-up so that you are going to be treated.
Tennis elbow can be prevented by avoiding overuse of the arm and elbow Treatment options include
- Rest and avoiding activities that cause pain
- Over-the-counter pain medication
- Physical therapy exercises such as wrist turns and wrist lifts
- Wearing a brace
- Surgery in severe cases
It is important to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.