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What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

I used to have nightmares when I was a kid. I was being attacked spiritually. It was my grandma who had the gift of spiritual attachment that found out what was happening to me. He sought after spiritual help on how to stop that from happening to me which she did. Since then, I don't have any nightmares again.
I used to have nightmares when I was a kid. I was being attacked spiritually. It was my grandma who had the gift of spiritual attachment that found out what was happening to me. He sought after spiritual help on how to stop that from happening to me which she did. Since then, I don't have any nightmares again.

Well, I was like you when I was growing up, but things have changed as I grew older. I wouldn't want to be in that situation where I am scared of a dream and that was why no matter how scary the dream is, I will simply pray over it and continue my life.
Well, I was like you when I was growing up, but things have changed as I grew older. I wouldn't want to be in that situation where I am scared of a dream and that was why no matter how scary the dream is, I will simply pray over it and continue my life.
No, I doubt if your case as a child was anything like what I have been through in my childhood. What I was passing through at the time was like a semi demonic possession. There was no peace in my house for anyone because how I used to screen in the night once the attack starts. There was no out growing or overlooking it.
I sometimes have nightmares even now whenever I watch a horror movie before sleeping. I struggle a lot to sleep during those nights lol. I feel like someone is there beside me or in front of my face or under the bed too sometimes. 🥶

It is not easy to sleep well at night when you have nightmares, especially when the room is dark. When I have nightmares at night and the place is dark, I prefer to stay awake rather than going back to sleep. It can be a very strange situation sleeping in such a condition.
I sometimes have nightmares even now whenever I watch a horror movie before sleeping. I struggle a lot to sleep during those nights lol. I feel like someone is there beside me or in front of my face or under the bed too sometimes. 🥶
The good thing which you can take from this experience of yours with watching horror movies is that it's something that you can control completely. If you no longer bring yourself to watch horror movies, you will no longer be having any kind of nightmares from them.
The thought of dying in my sleep gives me strong nightmare every night. I don't know why this keeps happening to me. I think I will need therapy for this.

Eventually everyone dies. This is something you need to accept and be able to work with it mentally so that it is not going to be continuing any kind of nightmare when you go to bed. If you believe you need a therapy for it, I think it's right for you to go for it so that this kind of mental and psychological problem with the resolved for you quickly.
It is not easy for those who are constantly having nightmares every night whenever they sleep because it makes it so uncomfortable for them to go to bed without having to face pressure that they are going to have another nightmare attack that very night. It makes them not enjoy anything that have to do with sleeping.
It is not easy for those who are constantly having nightmares every night whenever they sleep because it makes it so uncomfortable for them to go to bed without having to face pressure that they are going to have another nightmare attack that very night. It makes them not enjoy anything that have to do with sleeping.
I can't even imagine how hard life is for such people because after one nightmare I wake up very tired and my heartbeat is much faster and I'm just confused for several hours in the morning and it's hard for me to start work. Closer to lunch, I start to do it consciously
I can't even imagine how hard life is for such people because after one nightmare I wake up very tired and my heartbeat is much faster and I'm just confused for several hours in the morning and it's hard for me to start work. Closer to lunch, I start to do it consciously

I know that a lot of people are going through a lot in life which is the reason why they find it very difficult and challenging to get by on daily basis. If it is possible for me to assist those people in any way to make sure that they have things easy in their life, I will be willing to do so because I know that life is not easy for most people.
Well it doesn't happen to me anymore but I could remember when I was a kid after watching horror movies I usually find it difficult to sleep at night because when I sleep I get nightmare about them. That has made me to stop watching anything horror movies since when I was young.
Back then as a kid I usually have nightmares from the books I read or the scary stories I hear the adults talk about.
I had something similar because most of the time my parents watched some scary programs and even though I was far from the TV I still heard what they were talking about and my childish imagination made me imagine it all in my head and that made me very scared

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