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What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

Nightmares are an unfortunate but normal occurrence that most people experience from time to time. While I don't have them frequently, they do still happen on occasion. usually after a particularly stressful day or when my sleep patterns are disrupted. When I do have a vivid, disturbing nightmare, it can really shake me and make it difficult to fall back asleep peacefully.
I think that most nightmares occur as a result of the horror movie watched that night before going to sleep. But for me I sometimes have nightmares because of overthinking and over worrying throughout the day.
I don't have nightmares at all now. I don't watch scary movies, and besides that, my brain has nowhere to get information about anything scary. I rarely have dreams, but they are better without dreams than if I had nightmares
Horror movies are the main cause of these nightmares and that's why I don't watch any horror movies at least in the evening