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What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?

That's a very good decision. Reading habit is a great way to stay engaged and gain more knowledge. I am an avid reader. My day is not complete without devoting at least 20 minutes to a book.
I guess so and this is why I am open to suggestions for books that I can read that can help me learn about money-making or personality development
@eLdavis . I am like you. My schedule is pretty busy and I am like a workoholic. I love being busy. I strongly feel that it's a blessing to be busy in a productive way. But still I take a few breaks and rejuvenate myself. Working online on forums is a way to rejuvenate myself. I take a power nap in the afternoon to rest.
You have actually said it all. While it's a blessing we still need to take care of ourselves so this bless doesn't become a curse in the future.
@eLdavis and @Ginger . I totally agree with both of you. It's a blessing to be busy and productively engaged and have the financial gain, but nothing at the cost of loosing your health and mental peace. We need to have adequate rest and some me time on regular basis to keep rejuvenating us. Else all these blessings can soon turn into a curse.
@eLdavis and @Ginger . I totally agree with both of you. It's a blessing to be busy and productively engaged and have the financial gain, but nothing at the cost of loosing your health and mental peace. We need to have adequate rest and some me time on regular basis to keep rejuvenating us. Else all these blessings can soon turn into a curse.
I do rate mental and physical health very high and that's why I do prefer to rest and relax during the evening time and my Sundays are mostly for relaxing and rejuvenating
@Ginger . It's good to know that you give importance to your mental and emotional health. Listening to our body is so important. If we overstretch ourselves, we might end up loosing our health in long run. That's not worth for anything in this world. No amount of wealth in this world can buy a good health and peaceful mind.
If one maintains a good physical, mental and emotional health, one can enjoy life. Enjoy the money that his hardwork and planning brings. And with a good health, one can continue to earn for long time and keep enjoying it. A balance in life should be there. And me time is very important to pamper ourselves and get that balance in the life.
If one maintains a good physical, mental and emotional health, one can enjoy life. Enjoy the money that his hardwork and planning brings. And with a good health, one can continue to earn for long time and keep enjoying it. A balance in life should be there. And me time is very important to pamper ourselves and get that balance in the life.
That's right, we need to have a balance in our work life so that we don't ignore any health related signals
@Ginger . Ironically, people ignore their mental and physical health for their work. They go for one sided life of making living at the cost of so many things. And they actually forget to live while making a living. And they loose their health. So, the money earned is mostly spent on treatments and medications. And with bad health, one's productivity and efficiency to earn money is also badly impacted.
@Ginger . Good that you have realised it soon and actually made changes in your lifestyle. I have people in my close circle, in my family and friends, who are struggling to strike that balance. They have realised it, but are doing not much to break the habit. They keep complaining but still continue with the same routine.
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