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What is your most preferred thing to do in your 'me' time?

I guess that's okay if it is not impacting any other thing big in your life. Our body requirements might be different and it also has to do with other factors like our age and health. Some of us need more sleep than others. If I don't get a good sleep for 6_7 hours, I am like a zombie. But my husband does not sleep more than 5 hours at a stretch. He is okay with it.
Yes, I must admit that whenever I don't get enough sleep, my productivity will be very low throughout the day.
Yes, I must admit that whenever I don't get enough sleep, my productivity will be very low throughout the day.
Same here with me. I need my sleep for minimum 6 hours in a stretch. 7 hours in the night suits me best. I do take 20_30 minutes of power nap in the afternoon to rejuvenate myself.
Same here with me. I need my sleep for minimum 6 hours in a stretch. 7 hours in the night suits me best. I do take 20_30 minutes of power nap in the afternoon to rejuvenate myself.
Valid ✅. Of course, it is not every time one will be able to sleep in the afternoon, so it is crucial to get enough sleep at night.
Valid ✅. Of course, it is not every time one will be able to sleep in the afternoon, so it is crucial to get enough sleep at night.
Very true. And I strongly believe that without sufficient sleep, we develop more sickness over period of time. Also, a well rested body will have a calm and productive brain. Good sleep is a must for productivity and efficiency.
i like scrolling on facebook or social media generally
I think that this would be the answer for many in the current times. Social media has become an inseparable parts of people's life. And it does bring a lot of good if used well. But in excess, it can become an addiction. How much time do you spend on these platforms on a daily basis?
I think that this would be the answer for many in the current times. Social media has become an inseparable parts of people's life. And it does bring a lot of good if used well. But in excess, it can become an addiction. How much time do you spend on these platforms on a daily basis?
Trust me, the desire to always enter social media to know what is going on and watch the latest trends is very powerful. And once somebody is there, to get out will be difficult.
I rarely get time for myself, so I'm using it to rest. I'm constantly working on something; when I'm not working on a project at church or a design for a client, I'm working online. When I'm not working online, I'm searching for something or learning a new skill. Most of the time, a whole day is insufficient to resolve every issue. I therefore use the little additional time I have to do non-work-related activities.
To me reading is the default activity for ANY free time I have. I usually have to be bullied into doing other things by my family. My wife worries about my health so she takes me for walks (woof!), but I have to admit that left to my own devices I’ll be curled up in my comfy spot with a book and a cup of coffee or Milo.
Trust me, the desire to always enter social media to know what is going on and watch the latest trends is very powerful. And once somebody is there, to get out will be difficult.
It can be addictive. For someone with not much obligations ( like post retirement), it can be a good way to stay updated and in touch with the latest trends. But for many it becomes an addiction and takes away a good part of their daily life. It ruins everything else as they get too engrossed in social media.
It can be addictive. For someone with not much obligations ( like post retirement), it can be a good way to stay updated and in touch with the latest trends. But for many it becomes an addiction and takes away a good part of their daily life. It ruins everything else as they get too engrossed in social media.
Yes, it ruins everything else including their social life. That is why caution should be taken when getting involved in social media activities.
Yes, it ruins everything else including their social life. That is why caution should be taken when getting involved in social media activities.
Isn't it ironical? Being more on social media actually makes you more of anti social. People start living more in the virtual world than the real one. It has a lot of impact on your personality impacting everything else like your personal life and relationships. It is an addiction that is very tough to fight.
I am hoping to add some reading time to my me time so that I can learn some new things and also like to read about a few things to increase my knowledge
That's a very good decision. Reading habit is a great way to stay engaged and gain more knowledge. I am an avid reader. My day is not complete without devoting at least 20 minutes to a book.
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