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Summer, hands down for me as well. I do not tolerate the cold weather. I have been known to have the heater on in the summertime at night! I’d love to live in a warm climate year round.Contrary to both of you, I prefer the summer. We don’t get enough sun here in the UK, so I value it more. Winter is also nice but nothing beats a hot day in the sun.
I don't like cold. I'm always sick when the weather is too cold. I prefer summer for this reason. I can't be sick all the time.Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
I have a serious problem with cold. This is why I don't like winter. It's the only weather or season I find it uncomfortable to do anything.Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
You cannot work anything in the summer because the working schedule will be decreased. It is due to the hot weather and also you cannot do anything because of to hot warm. I enjoy winter more than summer for this reason.Winter - Hands down! Its easier to bundle up and go out in the winter than trying to stay cool in the summer.
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