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Summer or winter?


Off The Mark

Oct 6, 2023
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Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
Winter for sure, I don't like the heat and humidity at all. Plus I love snow, the ice sucks though. I work in a factory with no air conditioning, so it's even more hot inside my work than it is outside when it's super humid and hot.
Winter because there are no bugs. I’m afraid of bees so I’ll be glad to see them go for a while.
Contrary to both of you, I prefer the summer. We don’t get enough sun here in the UK, so I value it more. Winter is also nice but nothing beats a hot day in the sun.
Contrary to both of you, I prefer the summer. We don’t get enough sun here in the UK, so I value it more. Winter is also nice but nothing beats a hot day in the sun.
Summer, hands down for me as well. I do not tolerate the cold weather. I have been known to have the heater on in the summertime at night! I’d love to live in a warm climate year round.
Winter..I HATE it when it gets really hot..
Even though I love it when the Summer months come around, I prefer Winter as it is a lot easier to warm up than it is to cool down in the Summer. It is just way too hot for me in the Summer.
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
I don't like cold. I'm always sick when the weather is too cold. I prefer summer for this reason. I can't be sick all the time.
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?

I prefer summer. The cold of winter is too much for me to bear. No matter how I cover up, I'm always freezing to death. Sumner is more comfortable for me.
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?

Winter, the cold and ice is the worst weather in a season. I wouldn't ever be comfortable during winter. I always celebrate summer when it's time for it.
Summer or winter - which do you prefer and why?
I have a serious problem with cold. This is why I don't like winter. It's the only weather or season I find it uncomfortable to do anything.
I always prefer winter over summer because the summer days here at my place are extremely hot and humid. I hate it. The sweating and itching it causes is really irritating. I also love to stay in a cold environment as it keeps me calm, and in a chilled mood and it enhances the romantic guy in me too. :p These are the major reasons why I love the winter season.
Winter - Hands down! Its easier to bundle up and go out in the winter than trying to stay cool in the summer.

Winter - Hands down! Its easier to bundle up and go out in the winter than trying to stay cool in the summer.

You cannot work anything in the summer because the working schedule will be decreased. It is due to the hot weather and also you cannot do anything because of to hot warm. I enjoy winter more than summer for this reason.
Given the choice between the two, I would have to say winter on this occasion. As much as I do enjoy summer I feel with the heat we get now each year, it can be difficult to get through.

When you are cold it is easier to warm up but during a heatwave, it can be very difficult to cool down, this is why I prefer winter.
Summer have never been a favorable season of the year to me. This is because the weather is always too hot and it makes life miserable for me. I'm always restless whenever the weather is too hot and it's always too hot during summer. I love chilly weather, it's good for my skin.
During the hot days of summer, I crave for winter and during the cold days of winter, I crave for summer. Well, I am not joking. These days,. I am tired of wearing too many clothes to make myself warn, so I am waiting for the winter to end and summer to arrive, however, once there is summer, I will be again waiting for winter.
If it was up to me on how the weather is supposed to be at all times, I would want it to be cold like winter with a little sun once in a while throughout the whole year. Doing anything when the weather is very hot have never been easy on me.
I prefer the summer. I can’t stand the winter. Cold days and nights aren’t my favorite type of days.